Home Lips How to Get Rid of Dark Lips Fast, Permanently and Overnight

How to Get Rid of Dark Lips Fast, Permanently and Overnight

by Dr. Joe Morales

The ways of obtaining reddish lips for the men are not as similar as to the women. Smoking is a very big issue among men. It normally darkens the lips much more. If a person is able to quit smoking, it will be much easy for you getting pink lips and also maintaining of the other tips.

Men are not normally cherished of having red lips. But, the modern men now want to have the charming lips also.

Men lips are normally less reddish than the girls. Smoking is a very vital cause for the dark lips of the men. The cigarette usually stains a very dark hue on the lips.How to Get Rid of Dark Lips

Besides smoking and also the UV rays; the reasons behind the men having black lips could be:

  • Taking of a huge amount of coffee
  • Licking lips etc.

A big reason for the dark lips is not due to improper care of the lips. Men are naturally not as more careful to the skin as the women. That’s the reason as to why getting pink lips for the men is a very big issue.

How to get pink lips for men?

1: Stop Smoking

Smoking is very much harmful to your health. It is much injurious for the facial skin also. It normally darkens the skin that is around the lips. It usually leaves a stain that appears to be dark. Also, it dries and also burns up the skin of the lips. Therefore, an individual gets dark lips.

Stop smoking is the right away and an individual will get the lips to their natural color.

2: Exfoliate Your Lips

Exfoliation normally works by lightening the lips. Scrubbing usually gets rid of the dead and also the dry cells. Thus, normally lips appears even and also very bright. Exfoliate the lips at least once or even twice in a week, but not more than two times a week. The best time is morning and night (before sleeping).

Use Sugar and Honey: Mix equal amount of sugar and also honey. Use this mixture on the lips. Then massage the lips gently for about 3 minutes.

Soft Toothbrush: During brushing of the teeth, just rub the lips gently. It gets rid of the dry and dark lips. The first time, you may feel very much uneasy and also a lot of irritation on the lips. Slowly, it will be recommended.

3: Moisturize Your Lips

Moisturizing usually protects the lips from any kind of dryness. Dryness eventually presents a discolored tone that is found on the lips. Even, for the lack of enough moisturizing, the lips can be very much cracked that is much more disgusting. So, the best step is normally to moisten the skin of the lips using a lip balm.

4: Home Remedies

You will find a lot of home remedies that makes the lips to be naturally pink. Such as;

  • Rose petals
  • Cucumber slices
  • Carrot juice etc.

You don’t require to use all the natural ingredients.

Rose Petals:

No doubt, the rose petals provide a better looking color that is found on the skin after using. Rose petals are equally anti-oxidants that implies that it protects the lips from being aged and several other risks. Crush some of the rose petals and then mix milk in it. Now make a thick paste. Use the solution on the black lips. Rub the lips with it for about 5 minutes. Then wash off the lips.

Lemon Juice:

It is a very natural bleaching as well as the anti-aging juice. Lemon juice usually bleaches all the dark spots or the tones that may be found on the lips. When you get enough time, just pat the lips using the lemon juice. You should do the process at least once or even twice a day. Slowly, it gets rid of the dark lines or any other dark spots that is on the lips.

How to get rid of black spots on lips quickly

1. Avoid UV Sun Rays

If you bask a lot more in the sun rays, then you might notice the melanin growth that is found on the skin, more especially the lips, hands and also the face as they are the parts that are almost very much bare. Melanin slowly leads to pigments, so the lips are dark or even brown.

If require, use the sunscreen or even the sun safety such as the lip balm using minimum SPF 20. Wearing of a cap may also protect the face from the direct sun. It becomes much more severe for a good appearance.

2. Use Lemon Juice

Lemon is a very perfect method that can be used to get rid of the dark lips fast. It has very amazing bleaching properties that slowly fades the darkness from the skin. The vitamin C that is found in lemon juice mainly lightens the dark spots on the lips. You can use the lemon juice at least once a day. After using, massage the lips using the fingertips. It gets rid of the impurities from the lips. So, the lips appears very bright and also plain.

3. Stop Smoking

If you are a man, you may have a discoloration that is found on the lips especially from smoking. Smoking usually leaves a lot of stains on the lips as well as the teeth. It equally creates the black spots on the lips. The only method that can be used to get rid of the dark lips from smoking is to stop the habit.

4. Honey

Honey is one of the best natural moisturizers that is found for the skin. It usually nourishes, and also soothes skin. Honey also provides a hint of the brightness that is found on the lips. Use the pure honey on lips.

  1. Soak a soft cotton ball in the honey.
  2. Then rub the lips using it for about 4 minutes.
  3. Leave some amount of honey onto the lips for the whole night.
  4. Wash it off the face in the morning and then enjoy the moisturized pinkish lips.

5. Rose Petals and Milk

Rose is also a very much sophisticated treatment that is found for the skin care. For a long period of time, it has been applied for several healing and also the beauty care. It performs surprisingly to remove the dark lips. Rose has moisturizing, cooling and also the brightness properties. It makes the lips to appear mild and provides a very rosy tint on the lips so that lips appears moisturized.

  1. Mash up the rose petals
  2. Then mix some milk in it.
  3. Massage the mixture using a tissue onto the lips for about 5 minutes.
  4. Then wipe the lips off using a tissue.

You can do the process daily before going out as it normally retains the pinkish color for longer.

6. Exfoliate Your Lips

Exfoliation is a very perfect way to get rid of the darkness, dry or even the chapped skin, dead cells as well as other dirt or even the impurities from the lip skin. So, the lips will normally be pink as well as beautiful. You should never try to exfoliate the lips, not more than 3 times a week. You may exfoliate the lips in many ways.

  1. Take some amount of honey and also granulated sugar.
  2. Mix the ingredients properly.
  3. Use them on the lips
  4. Then pat the lips gently for about 2 minutes.
  5. Rinse off the face using warm water. How to Get Rid of Dark Lips Fast

You may also coat the lips using honey or even the petroleum jelly any time before sleeping. In the morning rub the lips using the toothbrush while also cleaning the teeth. It will also remove the dead skin cells directly from the lips.

  1. Beetroot

Beetroot is a very amazing home remedy that can be used to lighten dark lips. It is very rich with natural bleaching agents and contains a perfect red color. It breaks down the hyper-pigmentation that is on the dark lips, but also can be able to offer red tone on the lips.

Blend some amount of beetroot slices and use them directly on the lips in the night. The lips normally absorb an amount of juice directly from beetroot. In the morning time, wash off the lips and you will experience the moisturized reddish lips.

How to get rid of black lips from smoking

Toothbrush exfoliation: This is a very simple method that can be used to exfoliate the lips. All you require is to use some amount of olive oil on the lips and make use of a soft tooth brush so as to gently exfoliate the dark skin.

  1. Run the brush over the lips in a very gentle circular motions for about 5 minutes.
  2. Then wash the lips using some amount of warm water to keep them much moisturized.

Sugar and lemon exfoliation: This is also another way that can be used to exfoliate the lips.

  1. Take a teaspoon of sugar
  2. add a small number of drops of olive oil and also the lemon to the mixture
  3. Now take this thick paste and use it on the dark lips.
  4. Gently massage the dark lips using this paste by use of the soft circular motions so as to exfoliate them.
  5. Once all the sugar has fully dissolved or even fallen off, then wash away any excess using normal water.

Can you get rid of dark lips in a week?

1. Lip Lightening Cream

There are several kinds of lightening creams that can be found in the shop. You can apply them so as to get rid of the dark lips. Laetitia is an Asian-based lip lightening cream. It can be one of the best lip creams. You might try it.

2. Treatment for Dark Lips

Nowadays, the plastic surgery has been very much popular for the beauty care. Especially, laser treatment or even the intensive light therapy is used by the people so as to repair their looks. Now several people are opting to use the laser treatment to lighten their lips.

3. Take less Caffeine

Tea as well the coffee are the most popular caffeine. Try to take about 3 cups of tea or even the coffee a day. If not needed, don’t take them.

4. Check out the Cosmetics

If you have ever applied lipsticks for a longer, you can be much affected by the discolored lips. If you don’t get rid of the makeups from the lips any time sleeping, it can also lead to darkness on the lips.

Common, or cheap cosmetics are equally liable to lead to the blackness. Don’t coat the lips using the lipstick if not necessary. Get rid of the cosmetics from lips at sleeping time. Only use the high branded cosmetics made using safe and also natural ingredients.

How to get rid of dark lips overnight

1. Lemon

Lemon is normally applied to get rid of the dark skin patches as well as the spots, and you can apply it to lighten dark lips faster. The bleaching property that is found in lemon performs well as a very simple yet powerful remedy that can be used for the dark lips.

  • Squeeze a piece of lemon and use the juice on the lips before going to sleep. Follow the simple remedy daily.
  • Take a slice of lemon, sprinkle some sugar on it and rub it on the lips. It can exfoliate the dead cells so new, fresh skin is able to appear. Use the remedy daily for a few number of weeks.
  • Also, you may prepare a mixture of one-half teaspoon each of the lemon juice, glycerin as well as the honey. Use it on the lips before going to sleep. Do this process daily until you observe the positive results.

2. Rose

Rose contains medicinal properties: soothing, cooling, as well as moisturizing. Rose can as well assist to add a natural pink tint to dark lips.

  • Mix a drop of rose water with other few drops of honey and use the thick mixture on the lips. Do this process about four times a day.
  • Mix a tablespoon of rose petal paste and a teaspoon of honey, or even the milk cream. Use it on the lips and then gently scrub. Follow the remedy about two times a day.
  • Soak a few number of rose petals in the raw milk for an hour, and then gently grind the mixture so as to make a thick paste. Add a half teaspoon of the honey and a pinch of saffron in it. Use the paste on the lips and then leave it on for about 20 minutes.

3. Olive Oil

Olive oil is also able to be used to make the lips vibrant. Olive oil has several essential nutrients that can used to nurture the lips and its moisturizing property can also make them to be very soft and beautiful.

  • Use a few drops of the extra virgin olive oil on the lips and massage it very gently. Do the process daily before going to bed.
  • Otherwise, mix one-half teaspoon of available sugar with a few drops of the extra virgin olive oil. Scrub the lips gently using the mixture at least once a week. This simple recipe can be able to restore the natural lip color and also shine within a few days.

How to get rid of dark lips permanently or forever

Lip Exfoliation

Lip Exfoliation is normally the process where the lips are thoroughly cleaned to remove the dry flaky skin that has built up on the lips and thus hiding its natural color.

Exfoliation process assists to get rid of the dead skin and also brighten the lips which brings out the inner natural red color and therefore prepares them for having a reddish stain. Now exfoliation can be performed in several methods even by use of a homemade scrub

Lip Conditioning

Prolonged period of exposure to the sunlight can lead to lip discoloration, including but not limited to the dark spots. So as to preserve the natural lip color then a person has to protect the lips using lip balm or even the lip gloss that has at least SPF 20.

The lips won’t be sunburned and also very dark when you have a day out even in the sun. One is also able to make it a daily habit to apply a sunscreen all year long so as to make the lips red.

Lip Plumping

It’s known that pinching of one’s body parts like the cheeks increases the circulation of blood in such areas and thus make it appear rosy, the same is right for the lips. Just by increasing of the blood circulation in the lips, you can also bring up the natural red color of the lips and would make them to look pleasantly plump. For plumping of the lips, you may also buy a lip plumper directly from the store or a person can make one for herself as both are very effective methods.

How to lighten dark upper lip or top lip faster

1. Sugar

Exfoliating of the lips regularly can get rid of the dead skin cells that may make them to appear dark and also very dull.

  • Blend about 3 tablespoons of sugar and add two tablespoons of butter so as to make a thick paste. Scrub the lips gently using the paste. Do the process once a week so as to restore the natural lip color and also a shine.
  • Also, you may simply mix some amount of sugar with a cold cream and apply it to scrub the lips gently before going to sleep. Do the process at least once a week.

2. Beetroot

Another available ingredient which may assist to get pink lips is beetroot. Beetroot contains natural bleaching properties that is able to lighten the dark lips.How to Get Rid of Dark Lips Fast home remedy

  • Use fresh beetroot juice on the lips before going to sleep. Wash it off using warm water the next morning. The natural red color of the beetroot will turn the dark lips to be rosy. Do the process daily before going to sleep.
  • You might also mix equal amounts of the beetroot juice and also the carrot juice and use it on the lips. Massage the lips gently and leave the mixture on for about 8 minutes before rinsing it off using the lukewarm water. Do the process once daily for a about a week.

How to get rid of dark lips naturally or with home remedies for black lips

1. Pomegranate

Pomegranate is perfect for treatment of the strained lips. It is able to nourish as well as moisturize the dry and also dehydrated lips and assist to restore the natural pink color.

  • Mix together a tablespoon of the crushed pomegranate seeds and a small amount of milk cream and also the rose water. Use the paste on the lips and then gently scrub for a few minutes. Wash it off by use of lukewarm water. Do the process once daily.
  • Mix equal amounts of the pomegranate juice, beetroot juice and also the carrot juice. Apply the mixture on the dark lips at least once daily.

2. Honey

Honey is a very natural moisturizing agent that is able to soften the lips and assist to restore their natural pink color.

  • Use honey on the lips before going to sleep and then leave it on for the whole night. In the morning, wash it off using warm water. Do the process daily to make the lips pink.

3. Almond Oil

Almond oil is a widely used home remedy for the dark dry lips because of its softening as well as moisturizing properties.

  • Mix about six drops of the almond oil with a tablespoon of honey and then put it on the lips whenever they are dry. Within a few number of days, the lips will be soft and also smooth and thus have a natural pink glow.

Further references;

  1. How to Remove Dark Lips Fast: http://darklipstips.com/how-to-remove-dark-lips-fast.html
  2. How to Get Pink Lips for Men – 4 Easy Ways: http://darklipstips.com/how-to-get-pink-lips-for-men.html
  3. How do I get rid of dark (black) lips due to smoking cigarettes: https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-get-rid-of-dark-black-lips-due-to-smoking-cigarettes
  4. How To Get Red Lips Permanently: http://www.wisehomeremedies.com/how-to-get-red-lips-permanently/
  5. Home Remedies for Dark Lips: http://www.top10homeremedies.com/home-remedies/home-remedies-dark-lips.html/3

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