Itchy bumps on fingers also referred to as Dyshidrosis, or dyshidrotic eczema is a condition where small, fluid-filled blisters begin to appear on the sides of your fingers, as well as in the palms of your hands. In some extreme cases the feet soles may be affected too.
The tiny bumps appearing on your fingers often last for about three weeks, and will in almost all cases be accompanied by extreme itching. When they dry out, the skin in the affected area may appear scaly. It is imperative to note down that the small itchy bumps on fingers can recur even before the previous bumps have healed completely.
Causes of Small Itchy Bumps on Fingers (Tiny or Little Bumps)
Itchy bumps on fingers have very many causes, which may appear during particular times of the year. You can also expect to develop when in the following conditions:
- Under stress
- Have allergies like hay fever allergy
- Most of the time, your hands are moist, or in the water
- Your work involves coming into contact with cement or activities which expose your hands to nickel, chromium, or cobalt
In general, the following are the causes of those tiny itchy bumps on your fingers.
- Heat rash e.g. in summer
- Diabetes
- fungal infections
- Irritation from rings/jewelry
- Bug bites or insect bites
- Allergic reactions
When a person has small itchy bumps on fingers, they will often experience symptoms such as the presence of small fluid-filled blisters on the fingers in both their hands and feet.
The bumps are commonly found along the edges of the fingers, and will in many cases be very itchy. When the bumps begin to heal, they will often leave behind scaly skin patches, which flake, become red, crack with time, or become very painful.
Scratching the tiny bumps on fingers will lead to changes in your skin, and may make your skin thick. Once the skin has become cracked, they could become infected or cause a lot of pain.
Itchy Bumps between Fingers
From time to time, you may start to notice small itchy bumps begin to form between your fingers. Although there is no sure way for you to prevent their occurrence, there are certain measures that you can take, which will help strengthen your skin.
- Practicing proper skin care, moisturizing and washing between the fingers on a daily basis will not only strengthen the skin surface, but it will also protect it against irritation.
- Protecting the skin surface against irritation helps ensure that the skin surface will not flare up, or make the bumps worse.
- Be consistent with regards to the kind of care that is provided to the fingers if you want to ensure that the itchy bumps on fingers will not come back in the future.
Clear Itchy Bumps on Fingers
Clear itchy bumps on fingers are common when the skin is irritated, or when you is exposed to an irritant.
The bumps on the fingers will often be filled with a clear liquid, which when popped spreads to another area and causes additional bumps to occur.
To treat the clear bumps on your fingers, you may need to use ointments or creams. You will need to rub the creams or ointments in the area that has been affected. In extreme cases, the GP may prescribe corticosteroid pills that are meant to with the bumps.
Red, Painful Itchy Bumps on Finger Joints
Red, painful, itchy bumps on the finger joints often begin with intense burning and itching of the skin surface in the area surrounding the finger joints. The sides and the palms of the finger will then erupt into tiny blisters, which may begin to weep fluid.

Small itchy bumps on your fingers may be due to allergic reactions.
In severe cases, the bumps could be quite large and may start to spread to other parts of your fingers. At times, the skin could also become infected. Infection signs will include the bumps turning into blisters, painful, and may with time start to ooze pus. The bumps however, should heal within a few weeks, which may make the skin dry and make it peel off as the healing process continues.
Home Remedies for Little Itchy Bumps on Finger Joints
Itchy bumps on fingers are quite common, especially when a person does not take proper care of their skin. Given that we use our fingers and hands in most of our daily activities, the tiny bumps on fingers could lead to a lot of discomforts, uneasiness, and pain.
Some of the symptoms that are associated with itchy bumps on fingers include:
- Joint inflammation
- Pain
- Stiffness
- Swollen fingers.
In addition to modern medication, you should also consider using natural remedies to improve the appearance of your fingers, while keeping the symptoms at bay.
The following are home remedies you can use to soothe the itchy bumps on fingers. It is also recommended that you consult your primary GP to receive a proper diagnosis.
Ice Pack
Using an ice pack, also referred to as cold therapy is ideal for people that have bumps on their fingers. In this therapy, you will need to use ice packs and a plastic bag that has been filled with frozen vegetables or crushed ice.
Regularly applying ice packs on affected fingers and hands will help lessen the itching, soreness, and irritation. You should bear in mind that different people would often have a different reaction to the cold therapy.
All you have to do is rest an ice pack on the area that is affected for a few minutes, and ensure you repeat it for a few times. You should repeat this natural remedy for at least twenty minutes, a few times each day
When using the cold compress, you need to apply it to a single joint, or two at a time. You must also remember to place a thin towel between the ice pack and your skin to prevent frostbites.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar contains alkaline forming and anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing stiffness and pain that may accompany the itchy bumps on fingers.
- Consume one cup of warm water that has been mixed with a single teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar and a single teaspoon of honey
- Alternatively, you could mix a single teaspoon of cayenne pepper into one cup of warm apple cider vinegar
- Take your hand and soak it in the cup for at least fifteen minutes before rinsing it off.
- You should replicate this remedy day after day until you note some improvement
Ginger comes with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which will help eliminate the tiny bumps and inflammation.
It is possible to add the herb to your regular meals and also consume ginger tea to enjoy some of the benefits that it has to offer.
How t to prepare ginger tea:
- Take a single ginger and cut it into pieces
- Take the chopped up ginger and then boil it in water for at least ten minutes
- Proceed to strain the drink, and ensure you drink it two times each day to get some relief
Honey and Cinnamon
Combining honey and cinnamon is one great way for you to treat the small bumps on fingers. It also helps in relaxing the stiff muscles present in your hands. This is due to the presence of excellent healing properties.
Honey also contains antiseptic properties, while cinnamon, on the other hand, is full of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Combine a single teaspoon of honey with a single teaspoon of cinnamon powder
- Ensure you consume this mixture each day in the morning. You should gobble it on a vacant stomach for a few days until you begin to notice changes in the appearance of your hands.
Epsom Salt
Epsom salt is ideal for dealing with inflammation, pain, and stiffness, which often comes with the bumps. The salt also happens to be a rich source of magnesium.
The magnesium is vital for bone mineralization. The magnesium will also be vital in decreasing the pain present in the nerves.
- Take two cups of Epsom salt and add them to a bucket of warm water
- Take the fingers and soak them in the salt solution for at least twenty minutes
- Make it a point to repeat these steps three times each day for at least a week until you become satisfied with the appearance of your hands
Olive Oil
A strong connection exists between olive oil and the inflammation caused by the itchy bumps. Olive oil contains a special compound known as oleocanthal.
- You can use the olive oil to massage the affected fingers. You need to add a few drops of lavender oil to at least four tablespoons of warm olive oil.
- Once combined, ensure you use it to massage the area that is affected
- You should use gentle strokes to deal with the inflammation and the discomfort
- Olive oil can also be used in preparing food, and this will help reduce the risk of contracting the itchy bumps
Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is a popular ingredient that is used in treating tiny bumps on the fingers.
It also comes with antibacterial and antiseptic properties.
- Add a single teaspoon of turmeric powder to a cup of warm milk
- You can also add a small amount of honey to the milk, and consume it two times each day
- Alternatively, heat a small amount of water
- Add a single teaspoon of turmeric powder and proceed to boil this solution for at least ten minutes
- You should allow the turmeric solution to cool down before you can drink it
Garlic is another highly effective natural remedy you can use to treat bumps that appear on your hands. It comes with anti-inflammatory properties that assist in reducing inflammation and pain associated with bumps on joints.
- Make it a point to eat garlic regularly, or include it in your normal You can eat the garlic raw or cook it. It depends on what you prefer
- Alternatively, fry two chopped garlic cloves in two teaspoons of oil (preferably mustard). Once they have started to fry, remove it from the heat, and allow it enough time to cool down until it becomes warm.
- Once it is warm, you should now apply it to all the affected fingers. Take your time to massage the garlic into your gingers
- Ensure you repeat this process at least three times each day until some improvement is noted on all the fingers that are affected.
Pure Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe Vera comes with antifungal and antiseptic properties that are vital when it comes to dealing with bumps.
What you need to do is to remove the gel from a fresh and very wet leaf, and then rub it all over the fingers that have the bumps.
The gel comes with cooling and soothing effects that will soon begin to alleviate the burning sensation and the itching you are experiencing on all affected fingers. It is recommended that you apply this gel at least three times each day until your hands become fully healed.
Coconut Oil
For centuries, coconut oil has been used for curative and healing properties. The oil derived from the coconut fruit is filled with antifungal and antibacterial properties that help in hastening the healing process.
- Scoop a small amount of coconut oil and massage it into the affected fingers very gently
- Ensure that you only use pure coconut oil
- The massage should last for between ten and fifteen minutes and must be repeated at least four times a day
Applying the coconut oil into your hands will guarantee that they will remain moisturized. The coconut oil will permeate the skin. When this happens, it repairs and heals the cells and tissues that are damaged therefore getting rid of the bumps.
Raw Milk Compress
Raw milk compress is another remedy that can be used when it come to dealing with bumps. What you have to do is obtain some cold, chilled milk and place it in a bowl.
When the milk is chilled, proceed to take a cloth and dip it into the milk. Wring out the excess milk before folding the cloth a few times and wrapping it around your fingers.
You have to keep the cold cloth on the fingers until you feel it become warm. When this is done, re-wet the towel and repeat the process all over again.
The procedure should be repeated three times a day, with each compress session lasting for at least thirty minutes.
Raw milk is recommended as it contains immunoglobulin’s that will help soothe the skin that has become irritated, and in the process ensure that your bumps will heal at a much faster pace.
Raw cold milk will provide immediate relief from the burning sensation and will stop your skin from peeling or flaking.
Oatmeal is common in many homes as a breakfast delicacy and is considered to be a wholesome food that comes with important and valuable medicinal properties.
The properties are significant when it comes to curing various ailments and diseases. Oatmeal is particularly important in dealing with skin disorders, including the unwanted bumps that have begun to manifest on the fingers.
Oatmeal contains starch that helps in healing rashes, and at the same time provides relief from itching and burning.
When consumed daily, it will help stop the bumps from oozing clear liquids and will assist them to subside more quickly.
- You should take some oatmeal and grind it to a fine powder.
- Use the powder to make a fine paste by combining it with water.
- The oatmeal paste should then be applied to the back of the hands and allowed to dry on the skin
- When this dry paste has dried, it will flake off, and leave your hands feeling cool and totally soothed
The natural home remedies should only be used after proper research has been conducted, and guidance sought from health care experts. If one mixture does not work for you, try combining different remedies to see whether they will for you.
Treatment of Itchy Bumps on Fingers
Itchy bumps can be problematic as the more you scratch, the more severe the bumps will become. It is therefore recommended that you avoid scratching.
Ointments and Moisturizers
One of the most ways to treat itchy bumps will be to use ointments and moisturizers. Topical ointments such as steroids will help reduce the inflammation.
You should ensure that the moisturizer is properly applied in the morning and the evening, and this will help reduce any inflammation or itching you could be experiencing because of these tiny bumps.
When looking for an ideal moisturizer, you should ensure that:
- The moisturizer should be free from scents, fragrances, alcohol, chemicals, and dyes
- Moisturizers will often work best when you apply them to a skin surface that is damp or wet. After you have taken a shower or bathed, you will need to pat the skin dry, before applying the moisturizer right away
- You can use the moisturizer during different times of the day. In many cases, you can apply a moisturizer as many times as you would like, and it will guarantee that your skin remains soft throughout the day
Medicines and antibiotics
If a bacterial infection is suspected to be the cause of the itching, your doctor may recommend that you take some antibiotics.
When an infection is the cause, you will experience pain as well as oozing from the bumps. In nearly all cases, you will be advised to stay away from the oral steroids as the bumps may reappear as soon as you have stopped taking the medication.
The oral steroids may also bring with them some serious long-term side effects.
Most of the medication that helps in relieving itching can be obtained from your local pharmacy without the need for a prescription.
When using medication, you need to:
- Take itch medicine before going to bed if you know that you scratch when you are sleeping
- Be careful when buying antihistamines as they may cause you to have little or no sleep at all.
- Some medication will cause you to be sleepier
It is normal for doctors to prescribe topical medications, which may include creams and ointments that can be applied directly to the skin.
Topical medications include:
- Corticosteroids help in calming skin that is swollen or inflamed
- They assist in keeping the immune system in check and prevent it from reacting too strongly
It is essential to make sure that you follow the instructions that come with this medication. Also, ensure you do not apply more than you should, as it will not be productive.
If the symptoms become extreme, you need to ensure you go back to the GP.
Some of the basic things that you can do to control the small bumps on the fingers include:
- Learn your itchy bump triggers and stay away from the triggers
- Make it a point to moisturize on a daily basis as it will keep your skin soft and soothe the irritation that comes with the bumps
- Ensure you wear soft and loose clothing. It is also necessary to avoid fibers that are rough or scratchy
- Take lukewarm showers and baths using non-soap cleansers as well as mild soaps
- After taking a shower, you should proceed to pat the skin dry instead of rubbing it
- Trim your fingernails and ensure they remain short, as this will prevent you from scratching. Scratching breaks the skin on the fingers and exposes you to infections
- In case you have allergic triggers, you need to eliminate them from your house, as this may be the cause of the bumps.
The above home remedies will come in handy when dealing with the bumps on the fingers or the joints. If the problem persists, the best thing you can do would be to visit your GP for a detailed consultation.