37.4 Celsius to Fahrenheit equals 99.32 Fahrenheit. But how do you convert Celsius to Fahrenheit temperature units? Knowing what is normal body temperature for infants and adults or even dogs can help you determine if you have a fever or not. Below is a formula to help you convert 37.4 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit or any other number to the units you are familiar with.
What is Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature units?
Celsius, also known as centigrade is an SI unit for measuring temperature. On the Celsius scale, water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees. The Celsius unit is named after an astronomer from Sweden, Anders Celsius.
Fahrenheit on the other hand is also a scale of temperature originated by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit after whom it was named. On this scale, water freezes at 32 degrees (32°) and reaches its boiling point at 212°.
- These units are often interchanged depending on the country and orientation of people. The Celsius is an SI derived unit, so it is widely used by most countries as a standard unit for taking and denoting temperature. So, what is 37.4 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit?
37.4 Celsius to Fahrenheit
Knowing 37.4 Celsius equals what Fahrenheit can help you answer the question easily. Most thermometers are calibrated in degrees Celsius (°C). However, depending on the country and region, your thermometer could be marked in Fahrenheit, denoted as °F. Here in the United States, we use Fahrenheit as a standard unit for measuring temperature.
That said, if you find yourself with a thermometer calibrated in °F and would like to use it to measure your baby’s temperature, you must know how to convert it to °C. To start with, let us answer your question of normal body temperature.
- 4 Celsius is equal to 99.32 Fahrenheit
How do you arrive at this? You must have a formula for calculating and converting the two.
How to convert 37.4 Celsius to Fahrenheit
A formula is used in the conversion. Generally, from the answer we have given above, you can easily deduce the equivalent of 1°C in °F. Scientific measurements have been done to thoroughly approximate the Fahrenheit that is the approximate equivalent of one degree Celsius. But there is a formula that is used everywhere to convert temperature units. Let’s have a look at the formula.
Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion formula
Here is the formula that is used to convert temperature units from Celsius to Fahrenheit.
Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit equals temp. in degrees Celsius times (9 divide by 5) plus 32. The mathematical formula is as follows:
Temp. (°F) = Temp. (°C) x 9/5 + 32
This translates into: T (°F) = T(°C) × 1.8 + 32
We will do examples below, but if you want a quick solution on Celsius para Fahrenheit formula, there are tables that you can use to do the conversion for any figure you may have. Metric Conversions and Rapid Tables are places you can start from for automatic conversions.
Here are examples:
- 1 Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion: T (°F) = 37.1° C × 1.8 + 32 =98.78 °F
- 4 Celsius to Fahrenheit = 37.4 °C x 9/5 + 32 = 99.32 °F
What about 1, 8, 12, 4 and 3 degree Celsius to degree Fahrenheit? Below are the computations to show you further how the computation is done.
- T (°F) = 1°C × 1.8 + 32 = 33.8 °F
- T (°F) = 3°C × 1.8 + 32 = 37.4 °F
- T (°F) = 4°C × 1.8 + 32 = 39.2 °F
- T (°F) = 8°C × 1.8 + 32 = 46.4 °F
- T (°F) = 12°C × 1.8 + 32 = 53.6 °F
What is normal body temperature in Fahrenheit?
Normal body temperature = 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 37C. The normal body temperature of a human being varies within a small range. According to WebMd, “the concept of there being a normal body temperature is somewhat misleading.” While 37C is taken as the standard normal human body temperature, scientific studies have been done to dispute it.
The actual normal is a range, since taking the temperature in the mouth is likely to give a result that differs with results taken from other parts such as the anus and armpits. The generally accepted range is between 36.1C to 37.2C. In Fahrenheit, the range is 97F to 99F.
The fluctuation in the average body temperature is apparent in people and also during the day. Normally, your body temperature will be colder in the morning and night compared to during the day. During the day, your activity level goes high and your body temperature will rise slightly.
For women, changes in average temperature may be occasioned by hormonal changes such as during ovulation and during pregnancy. Illnesses may also affect the average.
The part of your body where the temperature is read can also give you varying results. For example, when taken in the anus and inside the ear, the body temperature will be slightly higher than when taken in the mouth. That of the armpit can be lower than that of the anus, ear and mouth. The free flow of air in the underarms is said to cool the skin and cause the lower temperature.
What is normal body temperature for babies, infants?
According to NHS, the normal body temperature in children, babies or infants is 36.4C. Now if we convert 36.4 Celsius to Fahrenheit, we get 97.5F. Baby fever is sometimes shown with symptoms such as the following:
- The baby feeling sweaty
- The baby feels warmer or hotter than usual when you touch the back of the stomach or forehead
- Flushed face, especially cheeks
If an infant or child has a temperature higher than 36.4 Celsius, he or she may be having a fever. Causes of fever in children are primarily illnesses and bacterial and viral infections. Medications and severe trauma can also cause fever in children, and even in adults.
Celsius to Fahrenheit and fever in adults and children
What temperature is an indication of fever in both Fahrenheit and Celsius? According to Health Link BC, fever in adults is considered to be a temperature above 38°C (100.4°F) when taken in the mouth or oral cavity.
When taken in the ear or rectum, fever in adults is a temperature recorded to be above 38.3°C or 101°F. In the armpit, also called axillary temperature, adult fever temperature is higher than 37.4°C or in Fahrenheit, 99.3°F.
In children, fever is characterized by an axillary temperature higher than 37.4°C (99.3°F). When taken as rectal temperature, fever is higher than 38°C (100.4°F).
How to take body temperature by yourself
Other than knowing how to convert 37.4 Celsius to Fahrenheit it is important to know how to take body temperature. It will help you determine whether you or your child is suffering a fever. Seeking medical attention as soon as possible can help prevent serious illnesses from developing. Here are 3 different ways of taking and recording body temperature.
a) Taking temperature in the mouth – oral method

How to take temperature in mouth. Image Courtesy of Seattle Children’s Hospital
This method is recommended for children above 5 years. Younger children cannot hold the thermometer under their tongue long enough for you to accurately take their body temperature. Here’s how to do it.
- Place the tip of your thermometer beneath the tongue of the child.
- Let them close the mouth and leave the thermometer there for about a minute.
- Remove and read the thermometer carefully.
Ensure the thermometer is clean before putting it into your child’s mouth to avoid any oral and tongue infections.
b) Axillary method – under armpits
This is the most recommended when checking fever in newborns and relatively younger children. Here’s how to do it.
- Put the tip of the thermometer in the infant’s armpit, ensuring it is in the center.
- Make the child’s arm to tuck close to the body.
- Leave the thermometer there for about a minute.
- Remove the instrument and read the recorded temperature.
c) Rectal or anal temperature taking
Also used for checking fever in infants. This method is rarely used in adults and should only be used when you are comfortable with it. However, when you need to get the most accurate body temperature reading, rectal temperature taking is the best method to use.
- Apply a little petroleum jelly like Vaseline on the tip of the thermometer.
- Make your baby to lie down with knees bent.
- Slowly and gently insert the thermometer into the baby’s rectum, not too deep though, just 2.5 cm or about an inch. Hold it in place with your fingers.
- Allow it to sit for a minute.
- Remove it and record its reading.
Now that you know what is 37.4 Celsius to Fahrenheit, it is important that you know when you have fever, or when your baby is unwell. Even with the knowledge of taking your own body temperature, it is important to seek medical advice from a licensed physician if you think you or your baby is sick.
Here’s a video to help you convert temperature units
References and sources
- Wikipedia: Celsius https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celsius
- MedHelp: Is this considered fever? 37.1 – 37.4C at night? http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Undiagnosed-Symptoms/Is-this-considered-fever-371—374C-at-night-/show/1014164
- WebMD: Normal body temperature: http://www.webmd.boots.com/a-to-z-guides/normal-body-temperature
- HealthLink BC: Body Temperature: http://www.healthlinkbc.ca/medicaltests/content.asp?hwid=hw198785