Home Tongue Little Red Dots on Tongue Tip, Back and Under Causes, Treatment

Little Red Dots on Tongue Tip, Back and Under Causes, Treatment

by Dr. Joe Morales

What causes red dots on the tongue?

1. Canker Sores

Many people have experienced a canker sore at one point in their lives, and while they are sore and very much common on the inside parts of the cheeks or even the lips, they can as well happen anywhere which includes the tongue, and also the roof of the mouth. 

Canker sores are usually due to stress, eating of some foods, or even coming in contact with irritants. The sores start as small, red dots on the tongue and often develops a white center. There are several non-prescription treatments that are available, and most of the sores can be able to heal in a week to about 15 days.red dots on tongue

2. Candidiasis

Also called thrush or even the oral candidiasis, the fungal overgrowth can lead to red dots on the tongue and also the white patches developing inside the mouth. Common in the people with dentures and having diabetes, candidiasis is often treated by prevention of overgrowth in the first place. According to the doctors, oral antifungals might as well be used so as to combat especially the tough cases.

3. Coxsackievirus

This is the virus that is behindhand, foot and mouth disease, coxsackievirus is able to lead to painful blisters and red dots on the tongue and also on the roof of the mouth, as well as on the feet. It is most common amongst the children who are under five years of age but does happen in people of all ages.

Treatment options that are available include;

  • The use of non-prescription medications for the fever and pain
  • Specially medicated mouthwashes to assist in the alleviation of the discomfort that is associated with the oral sores.

4. Leukoplakia

Red and white patches known as the leukoplakia normally appear on the gums, the bottom of the mouth or the inside parts of the cheeks, but sometimes they can be able to appear on the tongue. Wiping or even scraping does not usually change the appearance or even the texture, which can be thick or much hardened.

Leukoplakia is brought about by at times;

  • Chewing tobacco
  • smoking tobacco
  • drinking of alcohol

And about 70% of the smokeless tobacco users normally develop leukoplakia. The condition has a small risk of a person developing oral cancer.

5. Hairy Leukoplakia

Fuzzy red patches that usually appear on the left and right sides of the tongue as folds are just the symptoms of having a hairy leukoplakia. These particular patches emanate from infection with the Epstein-Barr virus, which lasts for a long time but remains very much dormant in the body until a weakened immune system has an attack.

STDs and small red dots on tongue

Red dots on the tongue are not just a sign of a recent HIV infection. They can have several causes; it is recommended that you see a health care provider so as to find out what the problem is. It can also be something that is very small and worth ignoring.

Sometimes, yellow or even a gray ulcer can appear on the gums or even the tongue might be a symptom of a recent HIV infection. But all these may as well be linked to most of the other health conditions.

Other known symptoms of HIV infection in the past four weeks includes;

  • Experiencing sore throat
  • Muscle and joint aches and also some pains
  • Chills
  • Night Sweats
  • Feeling generally unwell
  • Tiredness
  • Swollen glands

These particular symptoms are normally associated with the immune system’s natural defense mechanism against HIV.

If a person has had HIV for many years and has not received any treatment for it, then a number of oral health problems are also very much possible. These particular problems are associated with the severe immune-deficiency. They can typically be accompanied by many other illnesses or even the health problems.

If you do have the oral health problems, it is much likely that they are brought about by something other than the HIV. The doctor is able to give you a lot more information. If you are concerned that they are related to HIV, then you can take an HIV test so as to reassure yourself.

Herpes or HIV bumps on tongue

In advanced stages of the infection, HIV can lead to the following:

  • Dry mouth
  • Enlarged saliva glands
  • Cold sores
  • Shingle

Even though people who are living with HIV can have recurring sores in the mouth or even on lips does not imply that it is brought about by HIV virus.

Rather, it is because of the fact that HIV compromises the body’s immunity and denies it of its ability to fight the infections. When the body’s immunity is compromised, then other infections are able to easily lead to the spots.

A relevant example is fever blisters brought about by herpes. You will find out that an HIV patient is likely to be infected with the blisters that are symptomatic of red dots on the tongue.

Red spots on tongue no pain

Fungiform papillae are the small red dots on the tongue. They’re mostly the same color as the rest of the tongue, under normal circumstances, they are very well unnoticeable. They give the tongue a rough texture that assists in eating. They also have the taste buds and also temperature sensors.

Papillae are able to become enlarged for several reasons. Most of the time, the reasons aren’t much serious. See the doctor if the bumps are much persistent, are spreading, or are making it very hard to eat.

Mouth Cancer

Many bumps that are on the tongue aren’t that painful, but some of them are cancerous. Cancerous bumps normally appear on the sides rather than on the top of the tongue. The most common type of cancer that is able to develop on the tongue is the squamous cell carcinoma.

Oral tongue cancer normally appears mostly on the front part of the tongue. The lump might appear to be gray, or red. Touching it can lead to bleeding.

Cancer can also happen at the back of the tongue. It might be very hard to detect, more especially since there’s no pain that is felt at first. It might be very much painful as it progresses.

If cancer is thus suspected, the doctor can probably take a tissue sample for a biopsy examination under a microscope. Treatment options that are available include;

  • Surgery
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation

Much depending on the type and also the stage of cancer.

Red dots on the back of tongue and throat

Red bumps can appear on the back part of the tongue for several reasons. While most of the reasons are not very serious, it’s a very good idea to identify the bumps so you can be able to seek the lifestyle changes or even treatments. It can as well prepare a person in the event that they are an indication of a serious ailment that needs urgent medical attention.

1. Strep Throat

Strep throat is a very contagious bacterial infection that leads to swelling and also an inflammation at the back of the throat as well as the tonsils. The individual can have red dots on the back of the throat mostly around the roof of the mouth. Other strep throat symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • High fever
  • Problems when swallowing food

White patches that appear on the back of the throat are also another sign of having tonsil swelling and also strep throat.

2. Tonsil Stones

Tonsil stones or also known as the tonsilloliths are the specks of white dots that appear in the back of the throat that are much difficult to be spotted. Symptoms of the tonsil stones are;

  • painful throat
  • issues when swallowing food
  • having a metallic taste in the mouth
  • Bad breath.

Tonsil stones emanate from bacteria, mucus, or even when the food is getting lodged in crevices of the tonsils that are located at the back of the throat.

3. Pharyngitis

Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the pharynx, which is normally located at the back of the throat. Pharyngitis is simply known as a sore throat. There are many kinds of bacterial and viral causes of the pharyngitis, which includes;

  • Common cold
  • Whooping cough
  • Measles
  • Mononucleosis

The usual symptoms include:

  • a runny nose
  • tiredness
  • a severe headache
  • Swollen tonsils that appear like red dots on the tongue.

4. Throat Herpes

Oral herpes is normally brought about by herpes simplex virus type 1, and the sores normally appear on the lips before they spread to the mouth and also the back of the throat. The condition leads to the white patches to be formed back of the throat that causes blisters on the mouth and also the lips.

5. Oral Candidiasis

It can show that there is oral candidiasis, which is also known as the oral thrush. Yeast can manifest in form of red dots on the tongue and white spots inside cheeks. At this given time there is normally no pain, but only the advanced oral candidiasis which is able to spread to the tonsils, and thus you will get bumps on the back of the tongue and also the throat.

6. Mononucleosis

Infectious mononucleosis is a condition that includes symptoms like a sore throat and also swollen lymph glands. Mono will lead to the throat to turn the color to dark red, and thus the back of the throat is also covered with the white spots. Other symptoms that are associated with the mono are headaches, fatigue, and also a skin rash. The condition is normally due to the Epstein-Barr virus.

7. Tonsillitis

A key symptom that is associated with the tonsillitis is the appearance of red dots on tongue and white patches at the back of the throat. Other symptoms usually include;

  • swollen tonsils
  • difficulty in swallowing
  • tender lymph nodes that are in the neck

Tonsillitis is usually due to bacterial or even the viral infections.

8. Postnasal Drip

Postnasal drip occurs when the mucus runs down from nose to the extreme back of the throat. A heavy flow of the mucus is able to irritate the throat, and thus bring about red dots on tongue especially at its back and also inflammation. Potential causes of the postnasal drip are;

  • Allergies
  • the flu
  • sinus infections
  • deviated septum

9. Syphilis Infections

A syphilis infection, brought about by the Treponema pallidum bacteria, can as well cause the white or red dots on the tongue or also the white patches at the back of the throat. Other symptoms that are associated with syphilis include;

  • joint pain
  • fatigue
  • a sore throat
  • weight loss
  • fever
  • muscle aches
  • non-itchy rash

Genital and the anal wart-like sores can as well appear.

10. Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is also known as the hay fever, and its symptoms are much similar to the common cold. Allergic rhinitis is normally triggered from the pollen and also the pet dander, and symptoms are frequent sneezing and postnasal drip, itchy eyes, red dots on tongue and throat. The throat irritation may sometimes lead to red bumps.

11. Streptococcal Angina

The symptoms of the streptococcal angina are the red dots on the tongue or also the white spots in the back of the throat, a high fever, and also an itchy throat pain that results from eating. Streptococcal angina is said to lead to joint issues and also heart problems. The condition is considered to be very serious, and it can cause rheumatism and also a rheumatic fever.

12. HPV and Oropharyngeal Cancer

Many times, human papillomavirus is harmless and will disappear on its own. But, HPV can lead to oropharyngeal cancer, which usually affects an area that is at the base of the tonsils and tongue known as the oropharynx. Oropharyngeal bumps that are in the back of throat emanating from HPV is usually accompanied by several other symptoms which include:

  • Earaches
  • A persistent sore throat
  • Weight loss
  • Pain from swallowing.

13. Scarlet Fever

Red dots on tongue and throat is a common indication of scarlet fever. Scarlet fever can as well develop in individuals who have strep throat. Other symptoms of the condition include a sore throat, a high fever, a sunburn-like rash, headache, and also a flushed face.

14. Toxic Shock Syndrome

Toxic shock syndrome is a rare and very much potentially life-threatening bacterial infection. TSS emanates from the toxins that are produced from bacteria like the group A streptococcus and the Staphylococcus aureus. Throat irritation and also the red bumps that are in the throat are very much common symptoms of the TSS. Other symptoms include:

  • Rashes
  • Diarrhea
  • high fever
  • headaches
  • seizuresred dots on tongue

Treatment and remedies for red bumps on tongue

Here are the home remedies for a red dots on the tongue.

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera contains several curative and healing properties that are able to treat several of the oral problems, which includes red dots on the tongue. Its anti-inflammatory property also assists to reduce pain and also inflammation.

  • Extract the gel from an aloe vera leaf and then apply it to the affected tongue area. Repeat the process 2 times daily.
  • Another option that is available is to rinse the mouth with the aloe vera juice about 4 times a day.

Follow either of the remedies daily until the pain as well as the inflammation has disappeared.

2. Baking Soda

For treatment of a sore tongue, baking soda is also a perfect remedy. It contains the anti-inflammatory properties that assist to soothe pain and also inflammation that is caused by red dots on the tongue.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of the baking soda with a little amount of water so as to make a paste. Use it to the affected tongue area for 1 minute, then rinse it off by use of warm water.
  • You can as well mix 1 teaspoon of the baking soda in a glass that is full of warm water and then uses the solution as a mouth rinse several times a day.

Use either of the indicated remedies 3 times daily until you do away with the problem.

3. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective antiseptic that works against red dots on the tongue. It contains antibacterial properties which reduce the risk of an infection. Use only the 3 percent hydrogen peroxide.

  1. Mix equal amounts of the hydrogen peroxide and some warm water.
  2. Use it on the affected tongue area by use of a clean cotton swab.
  3. Leave it on for about 3 seconds, then rinse mouth using the warm water.
  4. Do the process a few times a day for about 10 days.

4. Salt

Salt is a known natural antiseptic that is used in the treatment of red dots on the tongue. It can assist to reduce pain and also the inflammation. Moreover, it can be used to prevent any infection.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of the salt in a cup of the lukewarm water. Stir well and then use it as a mouth rinse 4 times daily until the red dots on tongue have completely disappeared.
  • You can even use a little amount of salt directly on the affected tongue area so as to assist dry out the sore. But, it is likely to sting.

5. Licorice

The medicinal and also the healing properties that are contained in licorice are much effective in the treatment of red dots on the tongue. This herb contains anti-inflammatory properties that is able to calm and also soothe the affected area.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of the licorice root powder with some amount of water so as to make a paste. Apply the made paste on the red dots on the tongue by use of a cotton swab. Allow it to sit for about 10 minutes, then rinse it off using warm water. Repeat the process few times in 1 day.
  • You can as well prepare a mouth rinse through soaking 1 tablespoon of the licorice root in 2 cups of water for about 4 hours. Use the made solution as a mouth rinse 3 times daily.

Those people who are suffering from high blood pressure should not apply the licorice root remedies.

6. Lavender Essential Oil

You can as well make use of the sweet-smelling lavender essential oil so as to treat the sore tongue. This oil assists to reduce pain and also the inflammation. Also, it can assist to speed up the healing and also skin repair.

  • Add 3 drops of the lavender essential oil to some warm water. Use it to rinse the mouth 3 times daily.
  • Another option is through mixing 3 drops of the lavender essential oil, 1 teaspoon of honey and also 1 cup of hot water. Then, dilute it using a ½ glass of the cold water. Use the solution as a mouth rinse 3 times a day.

Do not ever ingest lavender essential oil. It might be much dangerous to health.

7. Honey

Honey contains the soothing and also a lot of curative properties that are able to assist to relieve pain and inflammation brought about by red dots on the tongue.

  • Dab a little amount of honey on the affected part of the tongue 3 times a day.
  • You can as well mix 1 tablespoon of the honey and ½ teaspoon of the turmeric so as to make a thick paste. Use it on the affected tongue area, allowing it to sit for at least 10 minutes and then rinse it off using warm water. Do the process 4 times daily for 5 days.

Further references

  1. What Causes Red Spots On The Roof Of Your Mouth: http://www.colgate.com/en/us/oc/oral-health/conditions/mouth-sores-and-infections/article/what-causes-red-spots-on-the-roof-of-your-mouth-0413
  2. White Spot On The Tongue: Is It Serious: http://www.colgate.com/en/us/oc/oral-health/conditions/mouth-sores-and-infections/article/white-spot-on-the-tongue-1215
  3. Are Red Dots on the Tongue a Sign of HIV: http://www.thebody.com/content/78243/are-red-dots-on-the-tongue-a-sign-of-hiv.html
  4. Treating Bumps in the Back of the Throat: http://www.doctorshealthpress.com/respiratory-articles/bumps-in-back-of-throat
  5. Red Bumps On Tongue Causing Pain: http://www.speedyremedies.com/red-bumps-on-tongue-causing-pain.html

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