Heat lumps appear as rashes that may be inflamed or cause discomfort. They are much …
Dr. Joe Morales
Dr. Joe Morales
Dr. Joe is a South Africa based health and medical researcher for Treat Cure Fast. Dr. Joe believes in spreading health knowledge as much as possible to promote safety and overall health.
What causes pimple like bumps on anus? Bumps near the anus can appear like small …
Do guys like love handles or do they just find them gross or attractive? If …
An ice pick headache is a severe, sharp pain in the head. It can occur …
Alkaline water can be safe for drinking, but often times, this kind of water has the potential …
Pimples on eyebrows are quite common in both males and females. Eyebrow bumps can be painful or painless depending on …
Why do I have bad smell in the nose? How is mucus related to the …
What causes toddler eye discharge? Toddler eye discharge is caused by, cold, infection, and Conjunctivitis. …
A rash behind the ear should not be ignored at all. The possible causes ought …
Red moles can occur on the breast, scalp, skin and even all over the body. …