Home Conditions Blood Blisters on Scrotum Causes, Pictures, Get Rid of Tiny Red Blisters on Testicles, Balls.

Blood Blisters on Scrotum Causes, Pictures, Get Rid of Tiny Red Blisters on Testicles, Balls.

by Dr. Joe Morales

What does having blood blisters on your scrotum mean?

A blister on the balls comes as a big challenge to most men as they find it very disturbing. Despite the irritation caused, men will often find it hard to share out the occurrence of this as it does not go well with their social coexistence. Based on various reviews of those who have been affected before, this condition can affect both the young and the elderly.

This means you have a condition that is medically known as angiokeratoma. The condition can be painful and irritating and may appear in the following ways:

  1. They may appear as small or large red bumps. This condition is harmless but chances are high that you may have contracted a sexually transmitted disease; just in case you engaged in careless and unprotected sex.
  1. At times, the blisters may appear red or dark vascular lesions that diffuse (medically called angiokeratoma corporis) or localized (medically called angiokeratoma circumscriptum). The diffuse type is common in Fabry’s disease. In as much as the blisters may be harmless, they may affect the future sexual life of an individual.
  2. They are mostly seen in late adolescence and increase with the aging process.Blood blisters on scrotum


The condition comes to be where the blood vessels are present just below the skin of the scrotum, or those that are present much closer to the topmost layer of the skin, form blister like lesions that bleed spontaneously and can cause a fairly large amount of blood loss.

The condition is usually seen in people with underlying conditions such as:

  • An intra-abdominal mass
  • Urinary tract tumor
  • varicocele
  • Hernias
  • Fabry’s syndrome

In exceptional cases, there may be no underlying conditions or reasons for these lesions. It is believed by doctors that it may just be a case of blood vessels being present too close to the topmost layer of the skin, that with time tend to form lesions.

In order to pinpoint the symptoms, an angiokeratoma is usually presented as a large, round or oval, reddish black lesion that has a defined border. It will usually have a whitish covering or scaling skin present on top of it. They bleed spontaneously and for a long time. In some very special cases, if you have this condition, you may require emergency care, as the bleeding might not stop. In people taking blood thinners, this condition can be especially dangerous.

What causes blood blisters on the scrotum?

Why do I have blood blisters on my scrotum?

The sight of blisters on the scrotum, balls and the penis can be very bothersome for men. It can be linked to causes such as STIs, or non-STI cause. Whichever the case, you should take caution and seek medical attention as soon as possible before the condition gets complicated.


Always check with the most reliable doctor for the proper diagnosis. There are numerous reports from scientists that yield information that blood blisters could as well result from increased venous pressure proximal to the site of infection. Broken down, the following factors and conditions likely cause this problem:

1.      Blood Blister on Scrotum STD, Herpes

Having blood blisters on the scrotum can at times be as a result of Sexually transmitted disease (STIs). Genital Herpes is just one of them. It is caused by the Herpes simplex virus (HSV) acquired through contact. During the initial stages of infection, HSV may have symptoms such as painful fluid-filled blisters on ulcers and genital areas. A burning or itching sensation is common. Treatment is based on the symptoms to give relief.

2.      Pemphigus Vulgaris

This is a rare autoimmune disease (the immune system eats up the body tissues) that forms blisters and lesions on the skin and mucous membranes. The areas likely to be affected include the lining of the mouth, nose throat, and genitals.

The blisters are generally painful, fragile and can easily burst open. The condition tends to affect people of all ages including children. Adults are the worst victims. The condition isn’t contagious. Ensure you see your healthcare provider if the condition causes severe or persistent blood blisters on the scrotum.

If the condition is not treated, it can be fatal as a result of severe infection of the sores. Treatment options available involves:

  • controlling the condition with a combination of various medication to stop the immune system attacking the body
  • Steroid medication is used for a few weeks or months. This helps to stop new blisters from forming and gives the existing ones to heal.

3.      Bullous Impetigo

According to Wikipedia source, this is a skin condition that characteristically occurs in the newborns and it caused by bacteria infection presenting with bullae. The condition usually appears around the diaper region, axilla or neck.

The lesion or vesicles increase in size to form the bullae, a blister that is more than 5mm. Apart from that, you may experience signs and symptoms such as:

  • Itching
  • swelling of the nearby glands
  • fever
  • diarrhea

The blood blisters can be cured with oral antibiotics found over the counter.

4.      Pemphigus Vulgaris

This is a rare autoimmune disease (the immune system eats up the body tissues) that forms blisters and lesions on the skin and mucous membranes. The areas likely to be affected include the lining of the mouth, nose throat, and genitals.

The blisters are generally painful, fragile and can easily burst open. The condition tends to affect people of all ages including children. Adults are the worst victims. The condition isn’t contagious. Ensure you see your healthcare provider if the condition causes severe or persistent blood blisters on the scrotum.

If the condition is not treated, it can be fatal as a result of severe infection of the sores. Treatment options available involves

  • controlling the condition with a combination of various medication to stop the immune system from attacking the body.
  • Steroid medication is used for a few weeks or months. This helps to stop new blisters from forming and gives the existing ones to heal.

5.      Syphilis

Initial symptoms of syphilis can present itself as a single painless blood blister on scrotum and penile shaft. Multiple cases of blisters or sores can be noticeable. The blisters will eventually go away on their own.

However, the condition can still be in your body. If syphilis is left untreated, it can cause serious health complication affecting your heart, brain and other many other organs. A painless bump filled with fluid or blood should be checked. Early treatment can cure the condition completely.

6.      Blood blister on balls from shaving and other physical trauma.

Generally, blood blister on the skin can occur as a result of minor trauma such as:

  • Physical injury. Shaving the scrotum or balls can cause lesions or sores.
  • Poor shaving methods, such as saving shaving close to the skin can result in blisters. This can be due to friction during shaving.Blood blisters on scrotum balls

Tiny red blood blisters on testicles

Small red to purple raised spots or blisters on testicles are simply called angiokeratomas. They may similarly have a rough scaly surface. They are composed of surface blood vessels, mainly dilated capillaries. In most cases, they go unnoticed, they may become crusty and even bleed when they are accidentally touched or scratched.

When a harmless clot forms in the lesion (thrombosis), the color of the spot changes to dark or purple within a very short period of time, at times just overnight. There exist very many types of angiokeratomas:

1. Sporadic angiokeratoma:

The lesions appear as solitary lesions. It is common in those who are aged over 40 years

2. Angiokeratoma of Fordyce

Mostly found on the scrotum. It is also found on the shaft of the penis labia majora of the vulva, inner thigh, and lower abdomen. It is the most prevalent. Men are most affected. It may occur as a single or multiple lesions. The lesions are small, red and less scaly in younger patients; while in older patients the lesions tend to be larger. It is usually symptomless and may go unnoticed only to be realized after the blister bleeds when there is a scratch.

3. Circumscriptum

It is a rare birthmark (vascular malformation). It may be present at birth although it can occur later in both childhood and adulthood. The cluster of lesions occurs on a small area. Over time, the lesions may darken in color and change shape and size.

4.  Corporis Diffusum

It is a rare serious disorder that is inherited. It is caused by a deficiency of an alpha-galactosidase enzyme and ceramide trihexosidase. This is because of the excess glycosphingolipids that are deposited in blood vessels and internal organs

It may present with signs other very different signs like fever and painful hands and feet. In the end, if the condition is not attended to, it may give rise to the following:

  • kidney failure
  • corneal opacities
  • heart failure
  • strokes
  • arthritis
  • colitis

How to get rid of blood blisters on scrotum

This disgusting condition can easily be gotten rid at home using very simple remedies that can be prepared and used simply at home. They are cheap, easy to make remedies that take very little time. They do not need supervision to be used and therefore you could do them yourself.

1. Coconut Oil

This is one of the best forms of treating Fordyce spots is using coconut oil which is a natural moisturizer. The spotting which also occurs due to dehydration gets visibly reduced after application of coconut mixed with an essential oil like lavender oil for decreasing Fordyce spots on the skin.

2. Boost Vitamin Intake

Fordyce spots can be removed naturally by adopting a certain diet that ensures proper intake of vitamin-rich foods. Your daily intake of vitamins will surely reduce the spotting and one of the best fruits to consume is Oranges.

3. Tea Tree Oil

Pearly penile papules can be reduced easily using tea tree oil which is a well-known home remedy. This is because tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic that prevents bacterial growth and relieves the inflamed skin. It is one of the best remedies to try since it doesn’t have any kind of side effects to the skin.

4. Turmeric

Turmeric powder (about 1/4th tablespoon) mixed with apple cider vinegar is an effective solution that can be applied to the inflamed skin. Turmeric has antiseptic, antibacterial and antipyretic properties that reduce bacterial growth on the skin.

5. Oatmeal Bath

This home remedy has been widely used to treat Eczema at home and is very useful for reducing Fordyce spotting on genitals. Oatmeal bath reduces itching, redness, and inflammation on the skin. This particular bath should be taken using cold water after using herbal remedy like turmeric or tea tree oil that act as antiseptics.

6. Garlic

Garlic contains antioxidants that basically remove free radicals from the body with anti-inflammatory properties to shrink the spots. You can always consume boiled water with garlic drips for an immediate effect or mix the spice in the food.

7. Jojoba Oil

In addition, another essential oil that is useful for treating Fordyce spots is jojoba oil that maintains antibacterial properties. The healing effect of the oil takes place by preventing bacterial growth and invasion. It contains wax esters that make it a natural moisturizer thereby enhancing its effect on the skin.

8. Asparagus

It is the richest source of folic acid, packed with essential vitamins and nutrients. Asparagus that contains folic acid is essential for metabolic consistency which ensures Fordyce spotting doesn’t take place. Proper hormonal balance can be maintained by consuming 260mcg of folic acid a day.

9. Aloe Vera Gel

The gel that is produced should be directly applied on the inflamed skin since the plant possesses antibacterial/antifungal properties. It is exceptionally useful at treating urinary tract infections and several skin disorders.

10. Honey

This antiseptic agent is a mild source that is generally used in home remedies to cure respiratory and skin infections. Organic honey is used as a soothing agent for skin irritations and because of its antibacterial properties; it is quite a useful source for treating Fordyce spots. You can always mix a dab of honey with an essential oil for ease of application.

11.  Lemon

Apart from that, lemon which is a natural disinfectant basically treats bacterial infections, especially on the dermis. If you’re suffering from blackheads or pimples, a lemon extract is a useful source. This easily available ingredient can be squeezed to form a pulp that can be applied on the inflamed skin regularly to treat Fordyce spots effectively.

12.  Chamomile

Fresh or dried flowers of Chamomile help to treat itchy lesions or inflamed skin spots and are well known topical treatments. Chamomile is one of the best herbal remedies unlike other flowers like Calendula or Arnica that actually does not cause any side effects for individuals with sensitive skin. This evergreen flower treats hives, sunburn and reduces Fordyce spots within a few weeks.

13.  Comfrey

The root and leaves of comfrey have been used for treating skin wounds, bruises and rashes for a number of years now. This herbal remedy is one of the most effective solutions that consist of anti-inflammatory properties. This natural remedy helps reduce Fordyce spotting and can either be used in the form of a paste or consumed directly in the form of Comfrey tea.

14.  Vanilla & Sugar Scrub

Sugar is a natural antibacterial agent that inhibits growth whereas vanilla moisturizes and nourishes the skin. The scrub applied twice a day, morning and night ensure that within a week’s time the pasty granules disappear.

Other prevention Measures

  • Fordyce spotting is technically a self-resolving condition so avoid laser treatments.
  • Ensure that you maintain a clean hygiene, wear loose clothes and shower each morning.
  • Dietary modifications must be instilled if you’re not taking in adequate vitamins.
  • Use anti-bacterial soap if you’re using essential oils in excess.
  • Include garlic supplements in your diet.
  • Prevent sweating in the genital region by avoiding tight-fitting underwear.

Treatment for blood blisters on balls

In most and very common cases, no treatment is required for Angiokeratoma of Scrotum, since it is a benign condition.  The initial stages of management of suspected angiokeratoma involve the control of bleeding with direct pressure. Once achieved, despite the evidence remaining unclear, it is important to exclude raised intra‐abdominal pressure as a cause, especially if there are associated systemic features.

Having a good history and clinical examination of the abdomen for intra‐abdominal masses may help to exclude urinary tract tumors or growths and hernias. Apart from that, urinalysis to exclude microscopic hematuria (blood in urine) may also help.

The scrotum should also be examined for evidence of varicocele, often described as a scrotal swelling mimicking a bag of worms, most evident when the patent is stood upright. The remaining skin should also be carefully examined for other lesions that may be associated with angiokeratoma corporis diffusum, malignant melanoma, and a condition melanocytic naevi.

If the diagnosis remains in doubt, then do not hesitate to refer to a dermatology clinic for opinion and proper skin biopsy. In angiokeratoma of the scrotum, a biopsy will show numerous dilated (enlarged), thin‐walled vessels in the papillary dermis or superficial sub‐mucosa. Similarly, it may also show epithelial hyperkeratosis. The lesions generally respond well to local laser treatment, if the case is beyond the normal control of the initial medications.

However, in some cases, the following treatment measures may be considered:

  • Providing reassurance and helping with anxiety feelings, since the condition is harmless and has an excellent outcome
  • Some individuals may consult healthcare professionals to rule out sexually-transmitted infections (if any) and for this case, you could use antibiotics to be able to deal with the situation with a lot of ease.
  • Individuals, in whom it causes cosmetic issues, may undergo a surgical excision or laser therapy to have them removed
  • In case of severe infection, complete surgical excision with skin grafting may be necessary
  • If bleeding becomes a concern or treatment is requested for cosmetic purposes, they can be removed. Surgical options include excision, laser therapy, cryotherapy or electro cautery-light electro-coagulation is done to remove lesions or blood blisters
  • Sclerotherapy
  • Apart from that, a radiosurgery and the CO2 laser therapy are non-surgical procedures for scrotal angiokeratoma can be done. These procedures are painless and minimally invasive of the private treatments that are carried out on an outpatient basis, and they require no hospitalization. Both of these procedures are done solely on the genital skin tags while dealing with the targeted area, thus preventing future bleeding and infections.

Above all, scrotal angiokeratoma usually needs a specialized consultation and very accurate diagnosis since in some rare cases, it is darker in color and can indicate a more severe condition that would even be life-threatening like the Fabry’s syndrome.

It is only upon the doctor to examine and rule out the possibility of any other conditions. This is because blisters can be diagnosed differentially to be other conditions.

References and Sources

  1. http://www.thehealthsite.com/diseases-conditions/bleeding-from-the-scrotum-what-could-it-be-disease-query-of-the-day/
  2. http://www.healthyhowto.org/blisters/scrotum-blisters/blood-blister-scrotum-balls-angiokeratoma-pictures-wont-stop-bleeding-small-itchy-causes-treatment/
  3. http://www.renewskinandhealthclinic.co.uk/index.php?viewtype=mobile&page=home-remedies-for-scrotum-angiokeratoma-removal.html
  4. http://www.healthedition.org/blisters/scrotum-blood-blisters/scrotum-blisters-causes-pictures-angiokeratoma-red-bleeding-get-rid-treatment/
  5. http://woundcaresociety.org/small-cut-testicle-wont-stop-bleeding

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Jess Aug 29, 2018 - 8:52 am

I’ve read that blood blisters can also be cured by applying turmeric on it. This spice has antiseptic properties. It also helps to reduce inflammations. Turmeric can be applied directly or be taken orally. When applying it directly, make a solution with water and a teaspoon of turmeric. Some honey can also be added. When taking it orally, add a teaspoon of turmeric to water or milk.

Ernie Aug 31, 2021 - 6:51 pm

I first noticed angiokirmatoma on my testicles about 6 weeks ago and was freighned. I researched the problem and found that in the 1800s they use to use apple cider vinegar to control this and other skin problems. I self treated twice a day (morning & evening) by dabbing the vinegar straight from its container on the condition. Within two weeks I noticed a big lessening of the condition to a point where there now are very few “blood sacks”. I have had no pain or itching from the beginning or any other affects by using this treatment and except for a one time slight bleed due to an inadvertant scratching. I am overjoy with the outcome. Good luck to others who might want to try this treatment.

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