Home Eyebrow Pimples Pimple on Eyebrows, Causes and How to Get Rid of Pimple Around Eyebrows

Pimple on Eyebrows, Causes and How to Get Rid of Pimple Around Eyebrows

by Dr. Joe Morales

Pimples on eyebrows are quite common in both males and females. Eyebrow bumps can be painful or painless depending on what their underlying cause is. Pimples will often appear under, between, near or above the eyebrow. Here is an insight on what causes them and how to get rid of a pimple around eyebrows.

Unless a pimple is infected, most of the time they will be painless and heal on their own without medical treatment. Pimples are common and can appear anywhere on the face, chin or cheek. When occurring on eyebrows, they can be very conspicuous, this can be embarrassing to some people. In such cases, treatment will be required for cosmetic purposes.

Pimples on eyebrows after threading or waxing

Waxing and threading can cause pimples near your eyebrows.

Causes of pimples in between or under eyebrows

A pimple or breakout on eyebrows can simply be caused by wearing glasses. You do not have to hide the zits, understanding what the actual cause of a pimple on eyebrows is can be very useful in trying them and preventing them from developing in the future or spreading to other parts of the body.

It is important to understand that these bumps can develop anywhere on the skin. Apart from the eyebrow, the pimples could develop on the chin, the forehead and all over the face. In both males and females, pimples between or under eyebrow can be caused by the following:

1. Threading eyebrows

Threading is a makeup technique in which the unwanted facial hair is removed by a twisted cotton thread that pulls the hair from the hair follicle. This simple process that lasts for less than 5 minutes can cause redness and irritation of the skin. The redness and irritation might last longer causing the development of a pimple like bumps on the eyebrow.

Here are some few steps you might use to treat the swelling, inflammation, pimples, and irritation on eyebrow after threading:

  • Numb the eyebrows by wetting them with hot water.
  • You need to avoid touching the eyebrows immediately after threading, at this time, the skin is usually very sensitive
  • A cold compress using some ice cubes wrapped in  a towel can greatly soothe the skin of the itching and irritation
  • After threading you can also relieve the irritation by gently washing your face with lukewarm water, pat it dry with a clean towel and apply a gentle petroleum jelly.

2.    Waxing can cause pimples

Waxing is a great way to remove the hair from your body. When not done correctly, it is possible for people who wax their body to develop breakouts. This is commonly due to bacterial infection, inflammation, and irritation caused by waxing.

To prevent a pimple on eyebrow, bikini area and other parts of the body after waxing, you need to do the following:

  • You need to exfoliate your skin with an exfoliating scrub before your  start waxing
  • Use fresh and clean utensils every time you need to wax your body, you should not share waxing equipment with other people
  • After waxing your eyebrow or any other part of your body, make sure to apply an astringent immediately on the waxed area. this will help bring down the inflammation on skin that occurs after waxing
  • In case of swelling r irritation, apply a hydrocortisone cream on the waxed area as soon as possible
  • Do not touch the waxed area with a finger, this is an easy way of transmitting bacteria to the sensitive area

3.    Eyebrow piercing

Piercing of body parts is a common practice in most of the modern communities. The practice is, however, ancient and has been done since time immemorial. But did you know that applying a piercing might cause your eyebrows to develop a painful pimple?

When the piercing is not done correctly, or with clean tools, the resulting wound could become infected, causing it to become painful and irritating. After an eyebrow piercing, you need to be very careful about how the wound progresses. Report to your doctor if you notice the wound taking long to heal, your eyebrow becoming swollen or filling up with puss.

If you were thinking of having your eyebrow pierced, have it done by a professional with clean and antiseptic tools. This way, you minimize the risk of an infection or developing painful pimples on the eyebrow.

4.    Allergic reactions

An allergic reaction which is a sensitive reaction of the skin to allergens may also cause bumps or pimples to appear on the eyebrow. Allergic reaction to drugs and food may cause your face or skin to become red, swollen, inflamed and with itchy pimples.

When treated early, most of the skin bumps caused by allergy are harmless. A pimple on eyebrow can be caused by the following forms of allergy:

  • A mosquito bite allergy which causes inflammation of the lymph nodes, itching, painful lesions ad bruised near the site of the bites.
  • Allergic eczema that will often resemble a burn. This form of eczema causes the skin to become itchy, red, scaly with blisters that weep or ooze
  • Hives or urticaria
  • Contact dermatitis, this is a skin reaction that occurs when the skin comes in contact with irritants or an allergen. Common symptoms of contact dermatitis will include a rash, blisters, itching and a burning sensation

On eyebrow, an allergen that causes this kind of allergic reaction that would result in a pimple on eyebrows would include using expired cosmetic make-ups or those that contain ingredients harmful and sensitive to your skin. Strong foundation makeup may block the skin pores leading to the accumulation of sebum underneath the skin, this together with ingrown hair may cause painful bumps to develop on eyebrows.

Seek immediate medical attention if you cannot pinpoint the actual cause of the allergic reaction.

5.    Liver problems

According to sin specialist, there is a great relation between the outer skin glow and a healthy liver.  The human liver has tremendous importance in the human body. For starters, the liver is the metabolic factory of the body, producing energy to sustain the function performed by the cells.

For instance, the hair follicles need the energy to grow strong and shiny, the skin cells, on the other hand, require energy to eliminate toxins from the body, repair and regenerate themselves. The circulation of blood and nutrients in the body will require the optimal function of the heart which requires energy. When the liver is not functioning properly, most of the toxins that are to be eliminated from the body will end up in the skin.

Underneath the skin, this toxin may build up forming bumps like pimples. When the toxins accumulate in the skin, they can be manifested as follows:

  • Dermatitis which is a skin condition in which the skin condition becomes red, swollen and sore. The condition may also be accompanied with blisters resulting from direct irritation of the skin
  • Eczema is a common skin condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed. The condition is marked with blisters that cause itching and bleeding at times.
  • Psoriasis this is also a skin condition marked with red itchy scaly patches. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder common in people with obesity, diabetes and heart disease
  • Acne just like psoriasis causes inflammation of the skin. Acne is caused by the infection and inflammation of the sebaceous glands. It causes the clogging of the hair follicles leading to the formation of ingrown hair and under skin pimples.
  • Hives also called urticaria, it is a skin condition marked by rash, red welts, and intense itching. Hives are sometimes accompanied with dangerous swelling caused by allergic reaction, especially from food.
  • Premature aging and wrinkles on the face
  • Deep painful rashes that may lead to ulcers

Liver disease is serious as such urgent medication is required. You need to visit a hepatologist (a liver specialist) as soon as you notice the following symptoms of liver damage.

  1. Any kind of abnormality with your levels of fat, for instance, high or low-level cholesterol
  2. Potbelly
  3. Sluggish metabolism
  4. Fatty degeneration of organs, which is the buildup of fat in other body parts
  5. Lumps on any part of the skin
  6. Weight gain which may lead to obesity
  7. Fat around the upper abdomen
  8. Constant nausea and vomiting
  9. Constipation and pain over the liver
  10. Multiple food and chemical sensitivity
  11. Itchy red palm and sole which may also be inflamed.

6.    A complication with the thyroid

A proper working thyroid gland is responsible for secreting hormones that regulate growth and development by controlling the rate of metabolism in the body. Thyroid complication can range from small, harmless goiter that requires no treatment for life-threatening cancer.

According to WebMD, the most common thyroid problem involves the production of thyroid hormones. When the production of the thyroid is too much, this results in a condition known as hyperthyroidism when the hormone secretion is insufficient, it will lead to hypothyroidism.

The effects can be unpleasant and uncomfortable, the good news is that they can be handled and treated well with an early and proper diagnosis. Thyroid complication can have the following symptoms:

  • Dry skin
  • Brittle nails
  • Abnormal menstrual periods
  • Constipation
  • Numbness and tingling in hands and other parts of the body

7.  Acne on eyebrows

The pimples that develop on or between eyebrows could be cystic acne. In both adult and children, cystic acne can develop anywhere on the body. Cystic acne is a localized inflammation that forms when the oil ducts become clogged and ruptured. The inflammation is common in a teenager but can develop on anybody.

Cystic acne is common in people with oily skin. Since these bumps are worsened by the over secretion by the sebaceous glands, the condition is worsened by the overproduction of the hormones either stemming from stress, anxiety or improper diet. Overactivity of these hormones is common during puberty.

Lifestyle habits like the use of wrong cosmetics could also lead to the formation of cystic acne in eyebrows. These pimples are common in people who use eyeshadow or foundation which could be acnegenic. Cystic acne is also common in people who wax or thread their eyebrows.

With acne, different people may experience a different type of lesions between the eyebrows. The distribution of the bumps will be as follows,

  • Some people tend to get multiple bumps between eyebrow that may or may not be filled with fluids
  • It is common for some people to only develop one hard pimple that is extremely tender and painful to touch
  • In teenagers mostly, they tend to develop small papules that are either red or white

Acne is common and can be prevented with simple self-care methods. You can prevent acne by:

  1. Using a mild cleanser to cleanse your face regularly. You should pay great attention to the region between the eyes.
  2. Keep your beddings clean by washing them regularly
  3. Those using cosmetic and foundation makeups need to only apply the product in a small amount to prevent the blocking of the hair follicles and damage to your skin.
  4. Those wearing sunglasses or contact lenses need to make sure they are clean and free from germs and dirt
  5. If you  are to go out basking, make sure you wear protective gear and apply some sunscreen
  6. Manage your stress and anxiety, you can do so by enrolling for yoga and other relaxation therapy
  7. Inflammation is a major key to why skin becomes red and with breakouts (bumps), maintaining an anti-inflammatory diet might help bring down the inflammation and prevent cystic acne from developing.

8.    Hormonal fluctuation

Pimples and bumps on skin most specifically for cystic acne will have a hormonal component. That explains why the bumps will often flare up at predictable times due to the cyclical nature of hormones. Acne bumps on eyebrow are for instance common during puberty. Females are more likely to develop this bumps on eyebrow during the phases of their menstruation cycle.

A pimple on eyebrow will often appear a week before the menstrual cycle for most women. Acne bumps on face related to hormonal fluctuation will often appear beneath the cheekbones and along the jawline. The shape, size, sensation, and appearance of bumps relating to a hormonal issue will also tend to be deep, cystic and sensitive to touch.

Hormonal birth control pills may be used as a treatment for the skin. If the bumps last long or become painful and irritating, have a dermatology look at it as soon as possible.


Where do eyebrow pimples appear? Pimples can occur anywhere, they could occur on, under, between, near or above your eyebrow. Here are some pictures to help illustrate where a pimple might occur on the face.

Pimples between eyebrows

Pimples between eyebrows

Pictures of a pimple on the eyebrow line

Pictures of a pimple on the eyebrow line

If a pimple becomes very painful or irritating, have a dermatologist look at it as soon as possible.

A painful pimple on eyebrow

A painful pimple on eyebrow can be anything. It can be large, small, painful, hard, tender or just a swollen pimple near eyebrows. The most common cause of a painful pimple like bump on the skin are ingrown hairs. Ingrown hair bumps are caused when the hair fails to penetrate the skin thus grow underneath the skin. Shaving, waxing or threading are the common cause of ingrown hair.

Swollen pimple on eyebrow above eyelid

An inflamed or swollen blind pimple.

In most cases, a pimple or bump will become very painful as a result of bacterial or fungal infection. When the hair follicles grow underneath the skin, they may trap sebum, dead skin cells and pus. This becomes the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and other microorganisms.

A painful pimple can be managed at home using simple remedy such as a warm compress that works by increasing blood circulation around the affected area. When this happens, blood containing white blood cells containing nutrients and white blood cells that help fight infection work to neutralize this kind of infection relieving the pain and speeding the healing process of the pimples on the eyebrow.

How to get rid of pimples on eyebrows fast

Home remedies can help get rid of pimples on eyebrows fast. Most of a skin pimple are harmless and can clear on their without medical intervention. With natural home remedies, you are able to relieve symptoms such as itching and inflammation caused by a pimple on the eyebrow.

1.    Apply white toothpaste

Apply white toothpaste on the red pimples on eyebrow is an easy and fast way to get rid of the redness and swelling. Most of the toothpaste brands contain a combination of different ingredients that may help draw out a pimple on the face and reduce the redness.

To use toothpaste for the painful pimples on eyebrows:

  1. Gently wash your face with lukewarm water with a mild soap
  2. Pat, it dry with a clean face towel and apply the toothpaste on the pimples
  3. Leave it on overnight
  4. Rinse your face in the morning with a mild soap and lukewarm water
  5. Repeat the steps for optimal results

2.    Wash with lemon juice

Lemon juice contains an acidic component that may not only help in relieving the irritation and pain caused by the pimples but also shrink the pimples and reduce the redness. Citric acid contained in lemon juice may also help fight bacterial infection cause pimples and breakouts on face.

3.    Honey and cinnamon mask

A combination of raw honey and cinnamon can also be a perfect way to get rid of the pimples fast. A combination of honey and cinnamon can be said to be the best combination for acne pimples on the skin. Cinnamon contains antimicrobial property that can help fight bacteria, honey on the other hands is a strong natural antibiotic that can stop bacterial infection.

To prepare the remedy:

  1. You will need 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of cinnamon and a paper towel or a cotton swab
  2. First, rinse your face with lukewarm water and part it dry with a clean face towel
  3. Gently mix the honey and cinnamon until they are through blended
  4. Apply the resulting paste on your face and leave for 20  minutes
  5. Rinse the mask off
  6. Repeat the steps twice or thrice a day

Other treatment option for a pimple on eyebrows will include applying a warm compress or exfoliating the face either with natural ingredients or with chemical compounds. It is important to have the process performed by a professional

Effects of a pimple on eyebrows

Pimples on eyebrow are not harmful, they are normal and most will clear on their own without medical intervention. Treating the underlying cause of the pimples is the best way to manage a pimple and make sure they do not recur.

When pimples on eyebrow are left unchecked for long, they could have the following effects on your body:


  1. Treating cystic acne between the eyebrows and the eyes: http://www.adult-acne.net/treating-cystic-acne-between-the-eyebrows-and-eyes/
  2. What pimples on your face and body mean, and how to get rid of them:https://bellatory.com/skin/What-do-Pimples-Mean-and-How-to-Get-Rid-of-Them
  3. A pimple under eyebrow that won’t go away: http://www.acne.org/messageboard/topic/331135-pimple-under-eyebrow-that-wont-go-away/
  4. Why you keep getting the same pimple over and over again: http://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/slideshow/2015/03/16/why-keep-getting-same-pimple-over-and-over-again.html#/slide/forehead

Leave a Reply to Margo Bjornsson Cancel Reply


Charity May 4, 2017 - 12:21 am

Thanks the really worked

Margo Bjornsson Sep 16, 2018 - 8:41 pm

Please get your information correct. Psoriasis is not a skin condition — it is a disease that manifests in the skin and other parts of the body. Psoriasis involves the skin and sometimes the joints as Psoriatic Arthritis. It/They is/are an autoimmune disease(s.) This is how people become misinformed as to what they should be doing for treatment of such things. I know, because I have psoriasis. Being obese, having diabetes or heart disease is not helpful as co-morbidities for anybody. There has been evidence that being overweight, developing diabetes and have a predisposition for heart disease is not a good thing for people with psoriasis. Not all people with this disease will be overweight, diabetic or have heart disease. Having any or all of these in addition to psoriasis increases more inflammation in the body and puts the person at greater risk for complications.

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