Saw palmetto hair loss and hair regrowth studies have been promising a better treatment for hair loss. Reviews of using saw palmetto extract, oil and berry extract are positive. Can it treat women’s hair loss? What is the right dosage of saw palmetto for hair loss treatment? Before and after photos of hair regrowth results are proving that in the right dosage, this herb can help with alopecia in both males and females.
What is saw palmetto?
Saw palmetto is a plant that is native to the southeastern of the United States. It is characteristics include sharply toothed stalks and leaves with a fan shape. It belongs to the family of palm trees. It bears fruit that look like berries, which have been used in history for medicinal purposes.

Courtesy of Maisonterre
An extract of the plant is known to be rich in phytosterols and fatty acids. Due to these, people have been using the plant for various medicinal purposes, including treating hair loss or promoting hair regrowth for people with baldness. It is also used as a treatment for acne. However, clinical studies are still underway to document it as a proved medication.
Saw palmetto for hair loss in women
Does saw palmetto work as a hair loss treatment in men and women? According to DermNet NZ, “5-alpha reductase is an enzyme that regulates production of (dihydrotestosterone) DHT.” This hormone is known to significantly affect the growth of hair in women and men, specifically the anagen phase of the hair growth cycle, causing hair loss and baldness in men. So, how is this related to saw palmetto and hair loss cures?
Studies have shown that an extract of this plant is potent in blocking the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase. This reduces the amount of DHT in the body, hence working as a cure for androgenic alopecia, mostly in men with hereditary loss of hair signs. Also, with little DHT in the system, hair regrowth is promoted.
Clinical studies on saw palmetto to stop hair loss
This palm plant, believed to be a miracle and a myth in equal weights, has not yet undergone adequate clinical studies to prove that it can help stop hair loss, treat hair loss and promote faster hair growth. FDA approval is nonexistent at the moment since the studies have been on a small scale.
There have been wide studies that show the effective treatment of saw palmetto for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). It is from these studies that the plant is speculated as an effective cure for hair loss in men.
- The August 2002 Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine published a study that showed that beta sitosterol and saw palmetto hair loss results were positive.
- Subjects who combined 400 mg of the herb extract with 100mg of beta-sitosterol in their dose showed significant improvement in hair growth compared to those who took control experiment placebos.
- The results were positive in 60 percent of participants in the clinical study.
However, such a study is not conclusive since another drug, beta-sitosterol was included in the dose, which means it is not easy to determine whether the results were the effect of the plant in question on hair loss, or the other drug, or a combination of both that worked.
Saw palmetto hair loss dosage
Do you know how much saw palmetto for hair loss? What is the recommended dose to take? What are the side effects of a high dose of this remedy in an attempt to treat thinning hair and loss? The right dosage depends on the form in which you are taking this herbal hair loss and thinning medication.
According to a website dedicated to its uses and benefits, you can take capsules or pills, twice a day. However, since saw palmetto for hair loss is not officially approved, anything about the recommended dosage for treatment for hair loss is nothing but conjecture. What forms and what kind of saw palmetto to use for hair loss?
a) Pills and tablets – 320 mg, 1000 mg dosage
The most common available kinds are pills and tablets. Tablets can be found in different doses, as food supplements.
- Known dosages of saw palmetto are 320 mg per day. This is when you are using the extract to treat enlarged prostate problems.
- Taking 1000 mg saw palmetto to cure thinning hair and hair loss is likely to be too high a dose.
According to Healthline Networks, various studies that produced positive results of thickening hair and hair regrowth have shown that patients took up to 400 milligrams saw palmetto per day. Taking too much can come with side effects even though the herb is a natural supplement.
b) Topical saw palmetto oil for hair loss
What is the best saw palmetto for hair loss? Various formulations exist in the market. While pills are easy to use because they are ingested, some people believe that topical saw palmetto would be the most effective way to grow hair and treat hair loss.
According to Hairy Scalp, saw palmetto oil is one of the best oils and serums for growing hair faster, healthier and thicker. It will stimulate hair follicles to grow. It also reduces the concentration of hormones that inhibit the growth of hair.
Saw palmetto hair loss reviews and results
Saw palmetto hair loss results, popular in forums are quite encouraging. In order to see results, most users who reviewed the supplement recommended prolonged use. Using it between 2 months and 1 year will give the results you could be looking for.
Before and after photos
Below is one of the before and after photos of saw palmetto for treating hair loss and thinning. In the before part, you can see that the man had lost hair and was balding. All the symptoms of alopecia are visible. In the after photo or image, the hair is growing back and the bald area is totally covered. [Image Source –]
Reviews and testimonials
Testimonials can help give an overview of what results you should expect. Here’s what a few users have said.
- “I’m I getting started with this herbal extract and the fact that the results work quickly without side effects.” – Amazon – Yosoy in 2013.
- “My hair was falling out for around eight years. When I finally found the solution however it stopped very quickly (in around 6 weeks, give or take) as I describe . As I note in my article on Saw Palmetto I’m not really sure how effective it was. Certainly it didn’t have a dramatic effect.” –
Saw palmetto extract benefits
Berry extracts are sold over the counter in the form of supplements. Now Foods have an extract, sold on Amazon. It contains 90 pills of veggie soft-gels, each 320 mg. Most people turn to this extract for better prostate health and hair regrowth.
Most formulations of the extract are claimed to have a standardized 85 to 90 fatty acids and flavonoids sterols. While the benefits are highly proclaimed, WebMD list that it is used for the following though there is insufficient evidence that it actually works:
- Prostate cancer
- Thinning hair and baldness
- Sore throat and other throat problems
- Asthma
- Bladder control
The berry extract is fat soluble and are claimed to be safe to take. However, we strongly recommend that you consult your doctor before taking this extract for any reason whatsoever.
Saw palmetto female hair loss prevention
Female hair loss affects about 50 percent of women aged 65 years and above []. Female pattern baldness is the most common in women and is said to be an inherited condition. Other causes of hair loss in females include extreme stress, some drugs etc.
There are very few claims and even recommendations for women to use saw palmetto for hair loss treatment. However, topical products such as oil can be applied on the scalp to help stimulate hair growth. This will supposedly help prevent hair loss in women, including signs such as receding hairline.
How to use saw palmetto for hair loss treatment
There are many ways of using saw palmetto to treat hair loss. These include applying the oil, taking tea or taking pills or tablets. Pills, gels and tablets are said to be the most effective option for the best results. Here’s how to use it to stop hair loss and hair regrowth.
- Dried berries: Dried berries are also sold online and can be added to your daily food.
- Saw palmetto tea: There are claims that dosages in tea are not enough to give you the desired results fast. However, if you want to use tea in an effective way, take 3 to 4 cups of tea a day to enjoy the benefits of this supplement.
- Topical oil application on scalp: Mix with olive oil in ratios of one part of olive oil to 3 parts of palmetto’s oil. Massage the mixture on your scalp. Do it twice a day for faster results.
- Pills and tablets are also available. Use the pills as indicated on the packaging or bottle to avoid overdose or under-dose.
Side effects of overdose
Very few severe side effects, according to Mayo Clinic, have been studied and published as part of scientific literature. Most people take the berry extract as anti-inflammation medication while others use it for healthy hair. But what are the side effects of overdosing on the extract?
Generally, saw palmetto is a safe dietary supplement. It is not recommended for children. When on other medications, it is advised that you should not take the supplement as it can cause undesired interactions. With that said, here are the few known side effects of saw palmetto.
- Thinning of blood – the herbal supplement has been found to cause excessive bleeding when patients undergo surgery. If you are on this hair loss treatment, ensure that you inform your doctor before undergoing any surgical treatments.
- Mild headaches
- Stomach aches and pains
- Irritated stomach especially if taken on an empty stomach
- Allergic reactions in some people
- Swelling of the face and other organs of the body, especially the throat, tongue lips and eyes.
- Overdose may also cause fainting and weakness
- Easy bruising due to thinned blood
- Nausea and vomiting
In case you see any of these symptoms or signs, stop taking the saw palmetto supplement for hair loss immediately and call your doctor for help.
Video on Saw Palmetto to Prevent Hair Loss
Sources and References
- Wikipedia: Saw palmetto extract
- DermNet NZ: Male pattern hair loss
- Hairy Scalp: Saw palmetto oil benefits on the scalp
- Life Extension: Benefits
- Everyday Health: Side Effects and Interactions
- NHS Choices: Women and hair loss: coping tips