An itchy nose can be accompanied by sneezing and a cold. The irritation can occur at night or after eating. The most common causes of a very itchy nose tip or inside the nasal lining are allergens such as foods and pollen, dust and mites at night. Here’s the meaning, superstition and home remedies for nasal itching.
Causes of an itchy nose
A very itchy nose may be due to any one of the many reasons. Causes may include allergies and irritation, a nasal infection or a dry nasal lining. Sometimes, people with cold may experience itching inside the nose. Here are the possible causes of an irritated nose.

Baby itching his nose.
1. Allergies and an itchy nose after eating
You may be allergic to some foods if you your nose gets itchy after eating. An allergic reaction is a common cause for an itching nose. It can happen because of a common cold or even a mild stage of asthma or any other given allergy. For each given person, the factor which triggers allergy might be different. You are required to identify what leads to the allergy and take measures so as to prevent the itching inside your nose.
- An allergen is a usually very harmless substance that leads to an allergic reaction.
- Allergic rhinitis, or also known as the hay fever, is an allergic response to very specific allergens
- Pollen is the common allergen.
Nearly 10 percent of the people in the United States have allergic rhinitis of a given kind, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Between 15 to 35 percent of the world population might as well be having allergic rhinitis. Common symptoms of the allergic rhinitis are:
- Sneezing
- A stuffy nose
- A very itchy nose
- A lot of coughing
- A sore throat
- The itchy eyes
- The watery eyes
- Dark circles appearing under the eyes
- Headaches
- Eczema-type symptoms, like having extremely dry, itchy skin that normally blisters
- Hives
- Excessive amount of fatigue
You’ll feel one or more of the symptoms immediately after being in contact with an allergen. Some of the symptoms, like the recurrent headaches and also fatigue, may only occur after a long-term exposure to the allergens. Fever isn’t a sign of hay fever.
Some people have the symptoms only rarely. This is very much likely when a person is exposed to the allergens in very large quantities. Other people have the symptoms all year long. Talk to the doctor on possible allergies if the symptoms last for more than 2 few weeks and don’t appear like they are improving
Dryness inside the nose
The nose and also the nasal passages are normally first in the defense against diseases, which are in any way infections. This is due to the fact that several germs and also the foreign objects try to invade the body through the nose.
But, it is the moisture, or even the mucus that is within the nose, which usually acts like flypaper and thus literally traps the intrusive microorganism, therefore preventing the germs from entering the body. Unfortunately, there are many other factors that could cause dry nostrils, as the mucus that is available in the respiratory tract usually dries up.
If a person is having a problem of dry nose passages, then the invading germs are able to easily enter the human body, without being stopped. Ironically, while many people associate a common cold with a runny nose, at times the viruses that are present in the respiratory tract may also cause a dry nasal passage, which prevents the normal amount of moisture from lining the inside parts of the nose.
Thus while a dry nose might not be a major cause for concern, it can cause many serious health complications.
Colds are able to hit at any time of year even during spring and summer although they’re very much common when the weather is chilly.
How fast the symptoms happen may as well determine what’s ailing a person. Allergies normally start almost immediately after being exposed to the trigger. For instance, if you’ve got the pollen allergies, as soon as that pollen goes up the nostrils, then you can have the itchy nose.
Cold germs usually take 1 to 3 days so as to make a person sick. If the nose is beginning to twitch and you see that you were sitting next to a sneezer at a place 2 nights ago, then a cold might be the cause
Worms and nose parasites
If you have the worms, then you might not have any symptoms, but certainly most people will get an itchy anus.
While worms don’t lead to the itchy nose, nose picking are able to lead to worms – or rather, more of them.
When children having worms scratch the anus, the eggs are then transferred to the fingers. Once they are on their fingers, children are able to pass them onto other people or even back to themselves.
Due to the fact that the back of the nose is normally connected to the throat, eggs are then transferred to the nose are able to easily end up in the gut. And as the children have an exceptional talent for taking of the unsavory things – which includes material that they pull from their noses – when their fingers are in contact with mouths, that’s potentially a lot of eggs that are swallowed and ultimately more squirming worms in the tummy.
Irritation from sniffing coke
Allergy pills don’t fix the problem, sniffing of coke actually eats the membranes that are inside the sinus walls which will causes serious problems and someday might cause itchy nose or even the sinus walls to thin and then cave and for that there is no given cure the only fix is for a friend to stop use of coke.

Sores and redness inside the nose.
Rhinoplasty is one of the most demanding of all the facial surgical operations. While other operations might claim difficult in their anatomical access, requisition of an excessive physical strength, or even significant operating time leading to the surgeon fatigue, the operation of rhinoplasty demands that a thorough understanding of and science.
Each case experience its own challenges and needs a very careful estimation of deformity preoperatively, a clear understanding of the techniques that are found for correction, a proposed plan of action as well as the sequence, and also a meticulous, uncompromising execution of the surgical method
Infected nose piercing
The first few times that you wash the face after getting the nose pierced, it’s can be weird, if not a bit painful. Where you would normally be able to splash soap and also the water on the face and wipe it away, you’ll have to avoid the nose area where the piercing is, and that might be tricky. One important factor that is to be remembered is that when washing the face, avoid use of a towel, especially if you are having a stud.
This is due to the towels tending to have stray strands that the nose stud can easily get caught in leading to itchy nose. Trust me, it is not fun to get the towel stuck on the nose piercing, more especially when it’s still healing.
When you wash the face, be very much sure to use a mild soap, as a highly perfumed soaps may cause irritation of the nose piercing and thus itchy nose.
Eczema and psoriasis
Facial psoriasis is a very chronic skin condition where there are one or more, thickened, red and also dry patches that are on the face.
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that can affect a skin site. Facial involvement happens at some time in about half the people who are affected by psoriasis. Although it is normally mild, facial psoriasis is sometimes very extensive which involves the hairline, in nose, forehead, ears and also the facial skin.
It is very much rare to have psoriasis happening solely on the face. Most of the patients also have scalp psoriasis and they can as well have the moderate to severe psoriasis at other areas of the skin.
Patients who are experiencing facial psoriasis normally suffer from psychosocial problems because of the presence of unsightly red, scaly plaques that are on highly visible areas.
Facial involvement presents as a therapeutic challenge because facial skin is thin, sensitive and more complicated to treat.
Itchy nose meaning
There are many valid reasons why the nose can itch. Most of them are nuisances that you don’t have to see the doctor about. Here are some of the meanings of experiencing an itchy nose.
1. Health-Related Causes
You can develop an itchy nose for several varying reasons.
- The most common health-related causes which include having the common cold or even the allergies.
- You can as well develop an itchy nose if you feel like you are inhaling some of the irritants that are in the air like some perfumes, chemical fumes, or even pollen.
- You can as well have an itchy nose when you take foods that are very much spicy.
- Even exposure to the environmental conditions or even very harsh weather is able to predispose an individual to have an irritated and also itchy nose.
- Things such as the rhinitis or even the bacterial infections of the nose may as well lead to the itchy nose.
What does it imply when an individual is experiencing an itchy nose? If it is because of a health-related condition as indicated above, you only require need to do away with those things leading to the itchy nose so as to have some relief.
You might as well require to use an antihistamine or even spray a nasal spray into the nose to have relief. The nasal spray is able to restore the moisture balance in the nose as will moisturizing the ointments, lotions, or even a humidifier, which may keep the nose from itching.
2. Superstition about itchy nose
Besides there being medical reasons behind experiencing an itchy nose, there are many superstitions that are related to the condition:
- You are about to be visited by a person. The side of the nose which itches tells a person whether your guest will be male or female. If the right side of the nose itches, you will be likely be visited by a man. If the left side of the nose itches, then you will likely be visited by a woman. This given superstition is very much common in the southern part of the US.
- You are about to quarrel with a person at a point in the future. This is a folklore that emanates from Ireland. If you don’t want to have any argument, then you must gently punch the other individual and then shake their hands.
- You are likely to be talked about by others, cursed or even have falsehoods being spread about you.
- You are likely to meet a fool in the near future or even be kissed by a person.
- You are about to receive some money.
- You are loved by a person. If you have itchy nose on the right side of the nose, your better half or even a loved one is coming soon.
- You will soon be receiving a letter.
This is not an exhaustive list of superstitious reasoning behind the itchy nose. There are several others, so you be required to take it all with a grain of salt even though they are much interesting superstitions.
Itchy nose superstition and myth
Now this one really has no good side to it as far as people take it. They normally say that if you are experiencing an itchy nose, then it implies that you’re going to kiss a fool.
It is as well said that this can be an indication that you are going to get into a fight with a person. Other legends also say that if you are having an itchy nose then you may be annoyed or even be cursed soon.
One extremely odd thing that is said on an itchy nose is that a person will come in contact with someone that is having a hole in their britches.
Nose itching and sneezing
Rhinitis implies an inflammation of the nose. Common symptoms are the sneezing, a blocked or even the congested nose, a runny nose (that has watery discharge) and a very itchy nose.
Less common symptoms are the itchy throat, loss of the smell, face pain, headache as well as itchy and watery, red eyes. The most common cause of the condition of rhinitis is a cold. Hay fever is also another common cause. Rhinitis usually affects both the nostrils at the same time.
Itchy inside nose
Coping with an irritated itchy nose might be very frustrating. Fortunately many remedies for this common complaint are available, most of which are cheap and easily found without a prescription from a doctor. Nasal itchiness is commonly brought about by dry air, irritants, viruses and also the dry skin. Remedies might include oral or even the topical medications, nasal spray or even the environmental changes.
How to Relieve Nose Itching
Regardless of the answer to the question that has always been asked “What does it imply when the nose itches?” there are several things you can be done so as to keep the nose from itching.
- The use of antihistamines. Noses are able to itch due to a release of histamine in the nasal cavity as part of the immune response. Histamine is normally released due to the exposure that a person is having to an allergen or even an environmental irritant, which is triggering an itchy sensation, congestion, as well as sneezing of the nose.
Prescription nasal sprays can give you relief.
You can as well antihistamines in the nasal spray or even in oral forms. They perform very well but the results are usually temporary. If you don’t do away with the underlying cause by getting rid of the allergen or even an irritant, you will likely have a return of the symptoms.
- Nasal sprays that has saline. You can choose the over the counter saline nasal sprays as being the natural remedies for the dry nasal passages that are the causes an itchy nose. This assists with itching because of nasal congestion when you are experiencing a cold. Saline nasal sprays have water and salt that usually cleanses and also moistens the nasal passages.
- Increase the humidity. If you increase the level of humidity that is in the environment, then the nose can itch less. This implies having a very regular humidifier so as to increase the amount of moisture that is in the air. You can also as well use a steamy shower so as to humidify the air if you don’t have a humidifier.
- Remove allergens and Irritants. You are required to get rid of things such as the animal dander, foods that you are much allergic to, and also the chemical irritants from the air so as to have less amount of an itchy nose.
- Ointments or even the lotions. If the external part of the nose itches, it is likely to be related to experiencing a very dry skin on the nose. You can as well apply the lotion or even an ointment on the skin so as to keep it from itching. Over the counter corticosteroid creams like the hydrocortisone cream is able to relieve itching of the skin of the nose.
See your doctor. If the home remedies don’t work as expected or if you don’t understand what is leading to an itchy nose, rather using your own remedies, you are advised to see the doctor to find out if there is any underlying causes and what you can do so as to get rid of the problem. Sometimes a prescription medication is needed.
Further references
- Causes Of Dry Nostrils & Home Remedies:
- Is It an Allergy or Just a Cold:
- Facial psoriasis:
- The Myth of an Itching Nose:
- What Does It Mean When Your Nose Itches:
- Persistent Rhinitis:
- Allergic Rhinitis: