Home WomenVaginal Discharge Cottage Cheese Discharge with No Itching, No Odor

Cottage Cheese Discharge with No Itching, No Odor

by Dr. Joe Morales

Vaginal discharge is both normal and regular. However, there are certain types of vaginal discharges that can indicate an infection.

For most women, an abnormal discharge can be yellow or green that often have a foul odor. Yeast or bacterial infection is the common cause of abnormal discharge.

This article will provide you with of the possible reasons for cottage cheese discharge with no itching and odor.

What is cottage cheese-like discharge?

Before describing what a cottage cheese discharge is, it is important for you to understand that vaginal discharge is normal for all women.

Glands inside the vagina and the cervix makes a small amount of fluid that flows out of the vagina every day.Cottage cheese discharge

  • These fluids carry out old cells that line your vagina.
  • Vaginal discharge is a normal mechanism through which the body keep the vagina healthy and clean.
  • Normal vaginal discharge is usually clear or milky and does not smell bad.

Cheese-like discharge is a common yeast infection for most women. Yeast infections cause itchiness, redness, or irritation in the vaginal area. Cottage cheese-like discharge is characterized by discharge of thick, white, curd-like discharge. If the infection gets severe, it causes swelling of the lips of the vagina.


Cheese like fluid is caused by a yeast infection. Different changes internal or external can upset the normal balance of healthy bacteria inside the vagina leading to this kind of vaginal discharge.

Here are some of the possible causes:

1. Sexually transmitted diseases [STD]

A sexually transmitted disease, such as trichomoniasis, chlamydia or gonorrhea may also cause thicker discharge.

Trichomoniasis is also a type of infection but is caused by a protozoan or a single-cell organism. This STD is spread through sexual contact, but it can also be contracted through the sharing of bathing suits or towels.

Typically, trichomoniasis produces a green or yellow discharge with a foul odor, but the yellow color may be so light that the discharge appears white. Common symptoms of this STD include inflammation, pain, and itching.

Chlamydia and gonorrhea are two other STDs that can also cause abnormal discharge. In this case, the discharge is usually green, yellow or cloudy.

However, even if you’re seeing clear vaginal discharge, these two STDs may still be the cause.

If you suspect that you may have one of these STDs, it’s important to see your doctor right away. Your physician will be able to properly diagnose your condition and prescribe an appropriate treatment. All three of these STDs are usually treated with a course of antibiotics.

2. Vaginal yeast infection

Vaginal infection is one of the most common causes of abnormal discharge. Yeast infections occur when there’s an overgrowth of bacteria in the vaginal area. Yeast, the Candida genus, in particular, is commonly found in the vagina, but when its growth gets out of control, it leads to infection.Thick creamy white discharge or cottage cheese discharge

Nearly all women will experience a yeast infection at some point in her life, so don’t panic if this is the cause – it’s very common. However, keep in mind that once you get one yeast infection, you’re more likely to get another one in the future.

Yeast infections typically produce a white discharge that’s thick like cottage cheese. You may also experience itching and burning.

Some of the most common causes of yeast infections include:

  • Diabetes,
  • Prolonged antibiotic use,
  • Stress,
  • Pregnancy,
  • Birth control pills.

SEE ALSO: Causes of a Black Vaginal Discharge

3. Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is a vaginal infection caused by bacteria overgrowth if the delicate balance of bacteria in the vagina is disrupted, you could develop bacterial vaginosis (BV) which produces a milky discharge with a strong odor. There can be a number of reasons why you get bacterial vaginosis, including:

  • Overuse of antibiotics
  • Unprotected sex
  • Having multiple sex partners
  • Douching
  • Overuse of vaginal medications

This condition is mild and easily treatable. However, if left untreated, it can increase your risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection or experiencing complications during pregnancy

Bacterial vaginosis will produce a whitish-gray colored discharge with a fishy smell. You may have a lot of this discharge and the infection could cause vaginal burning.

Bacterial infections with painful milky-grey discharge could also be a symptom of a sexually transmitted disease (STD). For example, chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause vaginal discharge and a burning sensation when you urinate.

4. Trichomonas

Trichomonas infection produces a frothy, yellow-green vaginal discharge with a strong odor. Associated symptoms can include discomfort during intercourse and urination, as well as irritation and itching of the female genital area.

5. Chlamydia

Like gonorrhea, Chlamydia infection may not produce symptoms in many women. Others may experience increased vaginal discharge as well as the symptoms of a urinary tract infection, the urethra is involved.

Thick white discharge may be caused by yeast infection

Infections are the most likely causes of cottage cheese-like discharge.

6. Cottage cheese discharge during pregnancy

In some cases, pregnant women will have a clear and milky vaginal discharge with a mild musky smell. This is due to hormonal changes associated with pregnancy and this creamy white discharge works to prevent urinary infections.

The secretions ensure your body has a healthy environment where good bacteria thrive. Sometimes this kind of secretions will increase before labor in order to lubricate the birth canal. Unless you have spotting or drops of blood, you should not worry about vaginal discharge during pregnancy.

7. Ovulation

Hormones play a key role in initiating healthy discharge from the vagina. When you ovulate, your body’s progesterone levels are high, leading to a continuous or heavy discharge.

This is completely normal and indicates that your body is healthy and functioning correctly. This is the same reason why some women notice clear discharge a few days before their period.

8. Foul smelling discharge during sex

During sexual activity, the vaginal secretion or discharge is a natural lubricant that allows for gentle and smooth intercourse. The same hormones that play a role in arousal will also cause this vaginal secretion to begin. Compared to normal daily secretions, it is possible for you to notice significantly more discharge when sexually aroused.

9. Menopause

Women who are in the perimenopause stage of life (the time leading up to the menopause) may experience irregular vaginal discharge. This is because of changes in hormone levels and irregular periods.

10. Candidiasis

Candidiasis is a common fungal infection that may occur if your immune system is compromised in some way or if you take antibiotics. With this infection, antimicrobials disrupt the healthy bacterial flora in your genitals and cause fungal to grow.

Treatment is simple and typically involves antifungal vaginal tablets. You also need to keep your genital area clean and dry, opting for loose cotton undergarments so moisture doesn’t build up.

11. Stress

It is very likely that stress will affect women in numerous ways. Stress can lead to hormonal imbalances, which in turn can cause excessive creamy white discharge. The discharge caused by stress will not harm you, but you should still take steps to reduce stress and improve your overall health.


The symptoms of cottage discharge will vary depending on what the cause of the abnormal discharge is. Some common causes will include the following:

Cottage cheese discharge no itching

Have you been experiencing cottage cheese-like discharge without an itch? If yes, it is most likely that this is as a result of vaginal yeast infection. This is a type of infection that develops as a result of upsetting the balance between good bacteria and yeast living in your vagina.

Many women may also experience abnormal discharge that’s just as normal and healthy as their usual watery discharge that occurs around the middle of the menstrual cycle.

As you probably know already, yeast infection occurs due to a number of reasons, and the most common ones include antibiotic or steroid use, lifestyle changes, and sexual contact with an infected partner, poor eating habits, and a weak immune system.

Usually, the infection manifests through increased amounts of thick white cottage cheese discharge, itching, and a foul odor coming from the vagina.

Some women also have vulvitis (inflammation of the external female anatomy, known as vulva).Cottage Cheese Discharge

So even if there’s no itch or smell, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have a yeast infection. It may be a milder this time, thus the absence of other secondary symptoms.

Another possibility would be bacterial vaginosis. It causes cottage cheese-like discharge with odor, but no itching or other such symptoms.

However, BV is much milder than a yeast infection and usually goes away on its own without requiring any treatment. It’s good to see your doctor about the discharge anyway for an accurate diagnosis of the actual problem.

Your progesterone levels must be quite high at this time of your menstrual cycle since your period is just a few days away.

Around the time of your ovulation, estrogen levels increase while progesterone levels decrease, thus causing a lot of clear watery discharge to come out.

But as the date your period is due approaches, estrogen levels decrease and progesterone levels increases, making your cervical mucus become, chunky, white and very cottage cheese like. This also happens after your period stops.

Thick White Discharge

White discharge can be very concerning for some women, but in most cases, this type of discharge is also quite normal. As your cycle progresses, your vaginal discharge will begin to thicken.

Thick White Discharge No Odor

Discharge that’s completely odorless is perfectly normal. You may experience this type of discharge at the beginning of your cycle, during ovulation and at the end of your cycle.

Thick, creamy discharge may also be a sign of pregnancy, so pay attention to the timing. If your period is late, consider taking a pregnancy test.

Creamy white discharge

Are you having a creamy white discharge? Before you diagnose yourself with a yeast infection, it is important to know that white creamy discharge is completely normal and helps to keep vaginal tissues healthy and free from infections.

Normal milky discharge from the vagina changes in consistency during your menstrual period and has no odor.

The vaginal discharge can range from clear and watery during ovulation to milky white and sticky at other times Research has proven that a creamy white discharge from the vagina is a strong indicator of a yeast infection in that area.

There are perhaps some other etiological microorganisms that can produce a thick, white, curdy discharge. The following is an insight of some of the reasons you may experience creamy white discharge:

Yellow cottage cheese discharge

A yellow discharge, especially when it is thick, chunky, or accompanied by a bad smell, is not normal. This type of discharge may be a sign of the infection trichomoniasis, which is commonly spread through sexual intercourse.

Possible symptoms for this are soreness and itching around the vagina, pain when peeing, and pain during sex. It’s treated with antibiotics available on prescription.

Green discharge

It’s normal to have normal and regular vaginal discharge. However, greenish discharge is a sign of an infection caused by an overgrowth of yeast found in the vagina, trichomoniasis- a sexually transmitted infection caused by a parasite. The discharge often has a foul odor.

Cottage cheese vaginal fluid during pregnancy

An early sign of pregnancy is a cottage discharge from your vagina. An increase in vaginal discharge is perfectly normal. Most women experience a thick, creamy white discharge in the early stages of their pregnancy.

During this time, you may also notice spotting before your period and have abdominal cramps, which are sometimes mistaken for menstrual cramps, the vagina is producing more mucus to keep the cervix sealed, moist, clean and healthy.

Research says that the white milky discharge occurs because the walls of the vagina thicken in preparation for pregnancy.

Body heat can sometimes liquefy the discharge, which causes it to come out in larger quantities than you’re used to. This kind of discharge is not harmful as long as the discharge is non-itchy or odorless.

When to Worry About Your Discharge

While creamy white discharge is completely normal and most healthy women notice it, you do have to know when it may indicate a problem. If you notice a sudden change in the discharge, then it might mean you have a vaginal infection. So it helps to be familiar with your discharge variations throughout your cycle.

There are also some warning signs that typically indicate an infection, like unexpected vaginal bleeding, sudden bad smells, changes in discharges’ consistency or color or unusually large discharge quantities. Other symptoms may include pain in the stomach or pelvis or genital itching. If at any point you are unsure if your discharge is normal, you should visit your doctor.

How to get rid of cottage cheese discharge

You can take self-care measures to get rid of cottage cheese discharge. There are both home remedies and remedies offered by medical specialists. Below is an insight of some of the remedies you might acquire for such a complication:


Don’t use soap when cleaning your vaginal area. Simply rinsing it with water is enough. You should also avoid sexual intercourse if you feel any discomfort.

However, you can use a water-soluble lubricating jelly to help relieve the pain by reducing friction.

Taking a warm bath or simply sitting in warm water may help reduce swelling of the genital area. Be sure to avoid rubbing the affected area.

  1. Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is an essential oil in getting away from vaginal discharge. You can apply it to the vaginal area.
  2. Yogurt: Yogurt is a valuable element to eradicate vaginal discharge. It can kill the bad bacteria that are harmful in your vagina.
  3. Mango paste: You can make a paste from the pulp of mangoes and apply it on the vagina. It provides a positive result and gives you relief.
  4. Apple cider vinegar: You can put 2-3 cups of cider vinegar to put your warm bath water. It counterbalances the alkaline conditions caused in the vagina by odor-causing bacteria. It soothes you from tenderness and itching.
  5. Proper hygiene: This is the most effective remedy to cure vaginal discharge to maintain hygiene. You should ensure that you wash your genitals after every urination and sexual intercourse with clean water.
  6. You can also wear cotton panties as it permits your vagina to breathe. You should also change your undergarments at least twice a day and remove them before going to bed.
  7. Garlic: Garlic contains anti-bacterial and anti-viral components of garlic that can save you from vaginal discharge. This is because it kills harmful bacteria. Garlic is used by taking garlic clove with the white cover peeled off and then you insert into your vagina during bedtime until morning.

Medical Treatments

If your symptoms are severe and you need a treatment for your complicated yeast infection, you may consider opting for the following treatment options.

Long-Course Vaginal Therapy

You may consider taking azole medications for 7-14 days to clear your infection. It is available in ointment, cream, suppository or tablet form.

Multi-Dose Oral Medication

It is not uncommon for doctors to prescribe 2-3 doses of fluconazole to treat your infection. You have to take it orally. It is not a suitable choice for pregnant women though.

Short-Course Vaginal Therapy

Your doctor may prescribe certain antifungal medications such as ointments, creams, suppositories, and tablets to clear your infection. Some of the most effective medications are clotrimazole, butoconazole, terconazole, and miconazole. They are quite effective but may produce certain side effects such as irritation or burning during application. It is advisable not to rely on latex condoms or diaphragms for birth control when you are using oil-based creams and suppositories.

Single-Dose Oral Medication

Your doctor may give you a one-time dose of fluconazole, an oral antifungal medication. You may also take two single doses of this antifungal medication three days apart to ease pain, irritation, and discharge.


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