Home How to Heal Bruises How to Prevent Bruising on Face, Legs, Thighs with Food Supplements

How to Prevent Bruising on Face, Legs, Thighs with Food Supplements

by Dr. Joe Morales

Regardless of how one attains a bruise, it leaves an ugly mark on the skin for some time. Knowing how to prevent bruising could help take care of this. There are foods, supplements and vitamins to prevent bruising. Also available are ways on how to prevent bruising on legs, face and thighs, after a fall, from injections and fillers.

Vitamins to Prevent Bruising

Bruises are discolored spots on the skin mostly occurring after an injury. However, people suffering from vitamin deficiencies, old age and some illnesses could suffer easy and spontaneous bruising. While there may not be much to do where the causes of bruising are unavoidable, it is possible to consume vitamins to prevent bruising where they are the cause.

Vitamin K: This is a fat soluble vitamin that should be contained in the diet. It contains coagulation properties. These are elements that aid in the clotting of blood. People with a deficiency of vitamin K have thin blood which causes them to bleed easily.

An adult should have 90 mcg of this vitamin per day. [Livestrong.com]. Vitamin K can be attained from foods such as spinach,cabbage, broccoli and other greenleafy vegetables. Before starting any vitamin K regimen, it is important to talk to your doctor. This is because too much of it could be harmful due to its blood clotting effects.

Vitamin C: This is a water soluble vitamin.It is necessary in the diet as it aids in collagen synthesis. This is what in turn helps in maintenance of tissue and blood vessels. When provided in required amounts, it makes the blood vessels sturdier. This helps in reducing bruising. Men should have 90mg/day while women should have 75mg/day [Source: Livestrong.com]

Too much of this could also be harmful as it will lead to gastrointestinal effects where too much of the vitamin is left unabsorbed within the digestive tract. Where one is taking the vitamins in form of supplements, it is important to monitor the intake. In case one experiences diarrhea, cramping, pain or nausea, these could be indications of over-consumption.

Some great sources of the vitamin include oranges, lemons and any citrus fruits, strawberries, red pepper, parsley, plums and papaya.

Taking vitamins not only helps in preventing bruises but also helps any that exist to heal fast. Vitamin C reduces inflammation as well and helps to build up the immune system.

Supplements to Easily Prevent Bruising

In cases where easy bruising is as a result of nutritional deficiency, taking supplements can go a long way in aiding this. There are different requirements for which the supplements to easy prevent bruising are available.

Zinc helps in the maintenance of tissue. Its deficiency can lead to easy bruising as well as delayed healing. It is therefore important in treatment as well as prevention of bruising. It can be taken orally to supplement it in the body. The allowed amount for adult men is 11 mg per day for men while adult women can have 8mg per day. To avoid deficiency, take foods rich in it which include red meat, poultry, oysters, fortified cereals for breakfast, nuts, beans, whole products and dairy products.

Herbal supplements

For herbalists, taking herbal supplements together with the vitamins is recommended. The common herbs known in prevention of bruising are grape seed extract, horse chest nut and arnica. These contain elements with antioxidant properties. They also make the blood capillaries strong enough thus reducing easy bruising.

It is important to be cautious while taking supplements. This is more so for people undergoing anticoagulant medication. Too much of any of the supplements could be dangerous. Consult your doctor before engaging in the supplements.

Foods That Prevent Bruising: what helps prevent bruising; what to eat to prevent bruising

A balanced diet is very important in keeping us healthy. The same applies when it comes to what to eat to prevent bruising. Easy bruising is as a result of fragile capillaries. There are specific foods that prevent bruising by providing necessary elements in the circulatory system.

For people who bruise easily, an anti-bruising diet will be important. This will take into account nutrients, dietary habits, foods and recipes that can be used to prevent bruising. These are as discussed below.

Bioflavonoids and vitamin C are important in preventing bruising. They help in strengthening and integrating tissues that make up the blood vessels. These can be found in grapes, berries and green beans, pineapples, kiwi, watermelon and tomatoes.

Vitamin K helps to promote blood clotting. This is important in prevention of bruising. The foods that are high in this vitamin include green beans, asparagus, Swiss chard, Brussels sprouts, spinach, mustard greens and kales.

Proteins are also important in enhancing the strength of the capillaries. Include nuts, eggs, lean meat, fish and pulses. Eating two portions of these per day would go a long way. Essential fats are also very important. They keep the blood capillaries flexible and thus reduce the possibility of a knock on them causing damage. These can be found in vegetable oil, avocadoes, nuts, seeds and oily fish.

Zinc on the other hand is important in skin repair. It is most important in old people. Consuming foods that are rich in it will go a long way in preventing bruising. These foods include veal liver, oysters, dark chocolate and sesame seeds.

How to Prevent Bruising from Injections and Fillers

When a needle is made to puncture the skin when in treatment or for cosmetic purposes, blood flow is likely to be interrupted. As a result, the area ends up getting bruised. Bruising is therefore a common disadvantage in injectables and fillers. This could last up to two weeks in some patients. With this in mind, doctors have come up with ways on how to prevent bruising from injections and fillers.

The use of needles with blunt tips as opposed to sharp ones helps in reducing the extent of bruising. This is attributed to the fact that less trauma is exerted on the skin. While doing fillers, blunt cannulas are less painful and bruise less. They also reduce the number of pokes that have to be made on a patient.

As an individual, it is also possible to prevent the extent of bruising by taking precautions. Ensure that no substances that could cause blood thinning are taken in the seven days leading to the injections. Before and after the treatment apply ice packs on the area. This should be done for 15 minutes before treatment. This helps in constricting blood vessels making them smaller and less likely to b injured.

When undergoing treatment, try to remain still. Relaxing and being comfortable helps to reduce movements and is one way on how to prevent bruising. When there is too much movement the needle could end up where it is not supposed to be. This could cause bruising.

How to Prevent Bruising After a Fall

Whether one happens to fall by accident or while sporting, there is a high likelihood that they will bruise depending on trauma suffered. Lung contusions, kidney injuries and rib fractures and bruises are common after a fall.

This though can be avoided if we know how to prevent bruising after a fall. There are a few things that can be done to ensure this.

Soon after falling, ice the area that has been injured. Wrap an ice bag in a clan piece of cloth and apply on the area. This leaves the area cold causing blood vessels to constrict. As a result, the flow of blood is decreased which prevents bruising. It also helps to reduce inflammation and any swelling that may occur.

Where possible, one should also elevate the injured part beyond the level of the heart. This will reduce the amount of blood that flows to it. As such, there will be no pooling of blood. This will help to reduce the swelling of the area as well.

One should also avoid taking medication that could contribute to bruising. However, people on prescribed drugs should not stop without consultation with their doctor. For people under blood thinners, see a doctor after the injury. This should also be done by the elderly.

How to Prevent Bruising on Legs, Face, Thighs

In most cases, people suffer bruises because they ran into something, were accidentally hit of tripped and fell. It is therefore common to have bruises on any part of the body. Learning how to prevent bruising on ankles, legs, face, thighs, hands and other parts of the body can help reduce the number of ugly marks on us.

When engaging in sports, one should ensure they wear protective gear. When one is in these, the impact of a fall or a bang is reduced. This helps to prevent bruising.

Avoid pain relievers that are known to cause blood thinning. These include NSAIDs such as diclofenac, aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen. Instead opt for safe ones such as acetaminophen.


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1 comment

Lynette Mayo May 5, 2019 - 10:09 am

Great article l’ll she w/a group. I get prolotherapy injections every two weeks, for discs & OA, works better than medications. One problem l have Hyperalgesia, the needles (into ligaments), ‘shock’ me. Been trying Bacoba it helps some. I think its early trauma from neighbors taking me to ER after dog bite. I was not familiar w/shots due to my grans opposition to them. Three people held me down, it was a tetanus shot.Can blunt cannulas be used w/baby needles? Thank You.

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